The guidance department is here to assist students and their families by providing consultation, and academic, career, and personal counseling. We encourage strong communication with parents and the greater Watervliet community.
FAFSA Completion Night
Attention 12th Grade Families!
Local financial aid representatives will help you complete the FAFSA application, and can answer questions you may have about the financial aid application process.
- When: Tuesday, February 5, 2025
Time: 5-6:30 pm
Where: Media Center, Watervliet Jr./Sr. High School - What to Bring:
- SSNs for parents/guardians and student
- 2023 tax returns (or estimate if not available)
- Current balances of cash, savings, and checking accounts
- Net worth of investments, businesses, and farms
Changes enacted for recognizing student achievement
In the 2017-2018 school year, a committee was established to examine what criteria colleges and universities are seeking in applicants. The mission of the committee was to identify the key components that colleges look for in prospective college applicants, and implement a system that increases, rather than limits, post-secondary school options for students.
The committee’s purpose:
- To further develop a comprehensive plan for encouraging, recognizing and honoring student achievement.
- To promote an academic environment that is challenging and rigorous and to prepare students for the rigors required by today’s college and universities.
- To promote an environment that cultivates student character through volunteer/work-based learning experiences
Passport for Good captures students’ community service experiences
Watervliet Jr.-Sr. High School is using Passport for Good, a mobile app that allows students to easily capture their community engagement experiences and volunteer hours to support their college and career goals. Read more about Passport for Good
Counseling Links
Graduation Requirements
Course Guide
Student Handbook
Study Tips
College Prep Timeline
Passport for Good
Pivot Program
High School Guidance Reminders
Seniors: If you have not already signed up for the SAT and/or ACT in the Fall, sign up at and/or Please visit the websites so that you are aware of test dates and deadlines! Keep a look out for the date in September when counselors will be hosting Senior Night. Parents and seniors are invited to discuss the college application process and any questions will be answered. We hope you are starting to think about college! By the time you have your senior meeting with your guidance counselor in September, we would like you to have narrowed your search down to approximately 5-7 colleges.
Juniors: In October, we will administer the PSAT (practice test for the SAT). Please visit to begin prepping for the PSAT as well as becoming familiar with the different types of questions.
Sophomores: Throughout the year, we will be focusing more closely on college/career readiness.
Freshman: Welcome to the high school! Please familiarize yourself with graduation requirements and the course description guide. Feel free to stop in to the guidance office and introduce yourself to us at any time! We look forward to working with you.