Who is eligible for this year’s 1,000 Book program?
This program is open to any preschooler or Kindergarten student that lives in Watervliet School District.
How do I register my child for the program?
A registration form must be completed. Please see your UPK teachers for this form. If your child is not a UPK student, please come into the Elementary School and complete a registration form. Just inquire at the front desk and let them know you are here to join the 1,000 Book Club.
When may book bags be exchanged?
The bag exchange days are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:45 – 8:15 a.m. or 1:45 – 2:15 p.m.
How do I return the books?
Please place the bag with the books back into the 1000 Club book bin on top of the cart, so we are able to check the bags for any missing books. If you are returning to the lobby please sign you bag back in with the front desk and place your bag on one of the return hooks. Choose another bag and sign it out with the front desk.
What if a book is missing from the bag we are taking or returning?
Please place the bag back into the 1000 book club bin. Be sure to check the list (inside the bags) to make sure that you have all ten books BEFORE you sign the bag out, and again when you RETURN the bag. Families will be held accountable for the books/bags signed out to them.
How many bags may we take at one time?
Families may one take one bag at a time and return the bag within two (2) weeks.
Will my child receive any incentives in this program?
Children will receive incentives and rewards along the way. The first milestone is for 25 bags. After that, they receive incentives for 50, 75, and when they have completed all 100 bags.
How long can we stay in the 1000 Book Club program?
Families may continue to check out bags until the student starts first grade or they reach the goal of 1,000 books (whichever comes first).