Resources and tools for WCSD Families
Print and post this handy one-page School Day Starter Parent/Guardian Daily Checklist of what to do each day before your child heads off to school. Contact your child’s school office if you need assistance accessing or printing the checklist.
COVID-19 screening/attestation
The safety of our students, teachers, staff and families remains our top priority. All students and employees MUST complete the COVID-19 screening/attestation every day to be admitted to our school buildings. Parents should complete a daily temperature check and the COVID-19 screening/attestation for each student attending in-person prior to scheduled transportation pick up or upon arrival at school, if self-transported. The COVID-19 Screening/Attestation can be saved to the home screen of your phone to make it an “app.” Access the COVID-19 Screening/Attestation

Consistent with state guidance, we are asking families to take their child’s temperature before they leave for school each day and check for other symptoms associated with COVID-19. Symptoms of COVID-19 may include: fever or chills; cough; shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; fatigue; muscle or body aches; headache; new loss of taste or smell; sore throat; congestion or runny nose; nausea or vomiting; or diarrhea.
Students or staff members who have a temperature of 100.0°F or greater, who displays COVID-19 symptoms or who answers “Yes” to a screening question cannot come to school. If your child has a temperature of 100.0°F or greater or any of the symptoms mentioned above, you should contact your healthcare provider.
Watch a short video about the COVID-19 Screening/Attestation
Face coverings
Health officials agree that masks are essential to stopping the spread of the virus. Every student and staff member is required to wear a face covering in school and on buses. We understand that some students may struggle at times with wearing face coverings. Teachers will offer some limited mask breaks during the day, however, compliance is necessary to keep everyone safe. Inability to wear a face covering will require students to learn remotely.
Watch a short video on how to safely put on and remove your face mask
Putting on your mask
- Provide your own face covering.
- Face shields alone cannot replace masks.
- Clean hands before putting on your mask.
- Hold your mask by the ear loops.
- Fit your mask snugly against your face (no gaps at bottom).
Wearing your mask
- Keep your mask over your face (not on your chin, neck or forehead).
- Keep your hands off of your mask.
- Clean your hands if you touch your mask while wearing it.
- Keep your mask on in common areas (hallways, bathrooms, buses).
Taking off your mask
- Untie the strings or loosen the loops.
- Hold only by the loops or ties.
- Fold outside corners together.
- Place in washing machine or hand wash.
- Wash hands after removing
- Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth!
Caring for your mask
- Wash reusable masks at least once a week
- Store your mask in a paper bag — NOT in your pocket!
Why are masks important?
- Masks prevent the spread of aerosols containing the virus.
- Masks protect the people around you from the virus.
Download a printer-friendly copy of Cover Your Face Safely
Staying Safe on the Bus
Our students play a big role in keeping our schools safe by following new COVID-19 protocols while traveling on the bus. Take a minute to review these questions with your family as you prepare for the new school year.
Q. Will masks be required on school buses?
Yes, students, bus drivers and other staff must wear acceptable face coverings at all times while on school buses (i.e., when boarding and exiting the bus and while seated). Bus drivers will provide a face covering to any student who needs one prior to boarding the bus. Students whose physical or mental health would be impaired by wearing a face covering are not required to do so, but must be appropriately socially distanced. If your child cannot medically tolerate wearing a mask, be sure to contact school administration prior to the start of the school year or as soon as the need is identified
Q. What will social distancing look like on school buses?
In addition to wearing face coverings at all times, students, drivers and staff should maintain appropriate social distancing to the extent practicable while on the school bus. Members of the same household may be seated within six feet of each other. Otherwise, students will be spread out as much as possible, and seats may be assigned to students to assist in this effort. Students should face forward at all times and avoid turning around to speak to the person behind them while on the bus. When getting on or off the bus, students should stay six feet away from the person boarding or exiting in front of them. To reduce overall density on buses, parents are encouraged to drive their child(ren) to school.
Q. How will social distancing be enforced when students are getting on and off the bus?
Students boarding and exiting buses will be required to remain socially distant to the extent possible and wear a face covering. Buses will be loaded from back to front and unloaded from front to back so that students aren’t passing each other in the aisle. Students should also avoid jamming entrances and exits when arriving at school or departing to board buses. Once in school or back at home, students should wash their hands or use hand sanitizer as soon as possible.
Q. How many students will be on a school bus?
The number of students on each bus may vary, but capacity will be reduced to encourage and allow for social distancing. Members of the same household may sit together on the bus; otherwise, students should be prepared to sit apart or where directed by the driver or other school staff member.
Q. What will school bus stops look like?
Students are required to wear a mask at the bus stop if students other than family members are present at the stop. Everyone at the bus stop or waiting area must socially distance by standing six feet apart from those who don’t live in their household.
Q. What other measures will be taken to promote health and safety on school buses?
All buses that are used every day by districts and contract carriers will be cleaned and/or disinfected at least once a day, with special attention paid to frequently touched surfaces. Weather permitting, bus windows and ventilation hatches (where available) may be open while transporting students to help improve ventilation.
Important reminders for students using school transportation:
- Wear a face covering at all times, including at the bus stop.
- Stay six feet apart from other students when boarding and exiting the bus.
- Pay attention to instructions given by your bus driver or other staff member.
- Don’t sit with students who do not live in your household.
- Face forward at all times while on the bus.
- Avoid touching surfaces that are often touched by passengers, if possible.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Wash hands before leaving home in the morning and shortly after arriving at school.
Download a printer-friendly copy of Staying Safe on the Bus
Watch a short video about riding the bus safely to school. Copyright 2020, Capital Region BOCES School Communications Portfolio; All rights reserved. Produced in cooperation with Capital Region BOCES Health-Safety-Risk Management Service. For more information or permission to use, call 518-464-3960.