WJSHS students compete for the first time in the Annual Model Bridge & Catwalk Competition

For the past month, students have been arriving early to school to design and construct bridges as part of an exciting competition that promotes physics, engineering, and hands-on skills. The 2025 Model Bridge and Catwalk Competition is to be held LIVE — Saturday March 22 — from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Shaker High …

Student Athletes of the Month – February 2025

Throughout the school year, Watervliet Athletics will feature student athletes who demonstrate exemplary achievement in their respective sports. Student athletes are recognized for demonstrating good sportsmanship throughout their respective sports seasons. Nominated by their coaches, our Athletes of the Month for February are Allanah Barnes, Braylon Dennis and Kai Pellaton. Track and Field: Allanah Barnes Track …

Holocaust survivor shares harrowing story of strength, courage, hope with high school students

More than 150 students in grades 10-12 had the unique opportunity to learn in depth about a harrowing time in history from a survivor with firsthand knowledge. Seated on a chair in the center of the stage in the auditorium at Watervliet Jr.-Sr. High School, Mr. Ivan Ramos calmly spoke into a microphone recounting the …

Student Athletes of the Month – January 2025

Throughout the school year, Watervliet Athletics will feature student athletes who demonstrate exemplary achievement in their respective sports. Student athletes are recognized for demonstrating good sportsmanship throughout their respective sports seasons. Nominated by their coaches, our Athletes of the Month for January are Abdullah Hodge, Leniyah Leslie and Jack Sierra. Coach Dennis Lane nominated senior …

Regeneron scientists share insights into biotech careers with students

Watervliet High School students recently had the chance to connect with local scientists and learn about the variety of careers in the world of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) that are available here in the Capital Region. The three scientists — Kristyn Greco, Executive Director Quality Control; Stephanie Palacios, Associate Director QC Analytical Sciences; …

Second Quarter High Honor Roll, Honor Roll Announced

Approximately 285 middle and high school students achieved High Honor Roll and Honor Roll during the second quarter marking period of the school year. We are proud of your accomplishments. Congratulations and keep up the great work! High Honors Grade 6 Dominick Adams, Caleb Anney, Adina Arshad, Mei’Star Burden, Josleen Castro-Ortega, Nylah Clark, Bryce Donnelly, …

WHS senior prepared to continue education at the CIA

A Watervliet High School student with a passion for pastry will attend a prestigious culinary school this fall thanks to her training at Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical Education Center in Albany. Makayli Hurd, a member of Watervliet’s Class of 2025, has been accepted to the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) in Hyde Park, …

Student Athletes of the Month – December 2024

Throughout the school year, Watervliet Athletics will feature student athletes who demonstrate exemplary achievement in their respective sports. Student athletes are recognized for demonstrating good sportsmanship throughout their respective sports seasons. Nominated by their coaches, our Athletes of the Month for November are — Maylee Rodriguez, Brody Wallas and Aundru Woods. Congratulations! Varsity Indoor Track …

WHS students tour Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical Education programs

Approximately two dozen Watervliet high school students had an opportunity to explore potential career interests during an excursion to the Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical Education Center’s Albany campus on Jan. 7. The 23 sophomores have wide-ranging interests from criminal justice to culinary, early childhood education to electrical trades, game design to global fashion, …

High school students are recognized as Kids of Character for November 

More than a dozen high school students were nominated by teachers or staff members and selected for November Kids of Character for the following categories: Be Positive, Be Present, Be Productive or Be Proud. The November Kids of Character Breakfast were treated to a special breakfast in their honor. Way to go! Grade 9 Jamari …

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