Regular Meeting
Date: November 12, 2024
Type of Meeting: Regular Meeting
Meeting Opened: 5:59 p.m.
Where: Watervliet Jr.–Sr. High School
Board Members Present:
President Mary Beth Whited
Vice President Brian White
Victoria Donnelly
Kyle Daniels
Board Members Absent: Heather Soroka
Superintendent: Dr. Donald Stevens Jr.
Student Council Rep: Owen Zawistowski
The meeting opened at 5:59 p.m., with President Whited officiating.
Public Comment
There were no public comments.
2023-2024 NYS Testing Data Presentation Kelly Webster
Mrs. Webster noted that the data is still embargoed, but will present it in the coming months.
A. Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Stevens shared the following:
- Thank you to Mrs. Webster for her presentation. Apologies for the last minute glitch with not being able to share the data, but we will circle back around. Information shared tonight is just glimpse of what we are already doing.
- I hope everyone enjoyed the three-day weekend. Thank you to our veterans.
- Today is the start of the second marking period. I can’t believe we are already a quarter of the way through the school year.
- We have some big events coming up:
- Report Card Night, this Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
- Glow Bingo for Books is Friday from 6:00 – 8:00
- Meet the Coaches Night is next Thursday night.
- Thank you to the Audit Committee for reviewing the audit. We are accepting the audit tonight. Mr. Heid is working on the Corrective Action Plan.
- The BOCES Annual Report is also at your place setting tonight.
Student Council Report
Owen Zawistowski shared the following:
- Thank you to Dr. Stevens and the Board of Education for the opportunity to serve as one of the Student Council Representatives this year.
- Student Council members met with Mr. Whited and Ms. DeMento regarding breakfast and lunches. Members were able to sample a soup and panini sandwiches, which will be making their way on to the menus. Mr. Whited and Ms. DeMento also discussed how regulations at the federal and state levels impact what we can and cannot eat at school. We thank both of them for meeting with us and look forward to our next meeting.
- Picture retake day was Friday, November 1. The pictures and IDs from retake day should arrive soon.
- We are excited for the start of our Debate team. At our recent Student Council meeting, we talked about the need to come up with topics that will be interesting and generate discussion.
B. Committee Reports
Audit Committee
Mrs. Whited noted that they reviewed the auditors report. No committee meeting was necessary.
Policy Committee
First Reading of New Policies:
- Educational Services for Married/Pregnant Students
- Implementing Title IX
First Reading of Revised Policies:
- Equal Education Opportunities
Board Discussion
Mrs. Whited shared the following:
- I received a letter from Tony Schilling thanking us for our donation to the Hall of Fame.
- Thank you to Dr. Stevens for the invitation to the NYSSBA Convention. It was a very busy schedule, but very interesting. Sophie the Robot was very interesting.
Mr. White noted that the 5th and 6th Graders participated in a cheerleading competition in October. They finished 3rd out of 14 teams. Congratulations to all of them. The award will go on display in WES. Thank you to Dr. Stevens and everyone for their support.
Items Requiring Board Action
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board accepted the resignation of Emily Shufelt from the position of Part-Time Cafeteria Worker at the Watervliet Elementary School, effective October 1, 2024, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board accepted the resignation of Allan Chabot from the position of Full-Time Bus Driver for the Watervliet City School District, effective November 7, 2024, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board accepted the resignation of Kelly Leach from the position of Cafeteria Monitor at the Watervliet Elementary School, effective October 18, 2024, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board accepted the resignation of Meghan Wallas from the position of Teaching Assistant at the Watervliet Elementary School, effective at the close of business on October 31, 2024, to accept a different position within the district, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the emergency provisional appointment of Meghan Wallas to the position of Administrative Aide, for the Watervliet City School District, for a one-year probationary period beginning November 1, 2024, at a pro-rated yearly salary of $42,000.00, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the emergency probationary appointment of Jordanne Stanley to the position of Teaching Assistant, in the tenure area of Teaching Assistant, at the Watervliet Elementary School, beginning October 17, 2024, at a Step 2 salary, plus verified Associate or Bachelor degree stipends, as per contract. The probationary period shall expire on October 17, 2028, contingent upon positive evaluations from his/her direct supervisor throughout his/her probationary period, consistent with the requirements of Education Law Sections 2509, 3012-c, and/or 3012-d. Jordanne Stanley holds a Level I Teaching Assistant certification, (certificate #1745195231).
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the emergency probationary appointment of Ryan Ray to the position of Full-Time Bus Driver for the Watervliet City School District, effective October 18, 2024, at a rate of $27.00 per hour, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the emergency probationary appointment of Hina Waseem to the position of Part-Time Cafeteria Worker at the Watervliet Elementary School, at an hourly rate of $17.00, effective November 6, 2024, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the emergency probationary appointment of Brianna Mahoney to the position of Substitute Cafeteria Worker at the Watervliet Jr. – Sr. High School, at an hourly rate of $17.00, effective November 6, 2024, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the emergency appointment of Lauryn Lloyd to the position of Tutor for the Watervliet City School District, effective November 11, 2024, at the AIS hourly rate, per contract, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the emergency appointment of Michaeleen Backus to the position of Extracurricular Activity Account Faculty Auditor for the Watervliet City School District, effective September 4, 2024, at an hourly rate of $30.00, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the appointment of the following staff as Club Advisors for the for the 2024 – 2025 school year, at the current rate, as recommended by the Superintendent:
- WES ExTRA After-School Club Monitor: Debby Grimmick (WSSA Aide Step 9 Rate)
- WJSHS After-School Club Substitute Advisor: Steve Keena
- APEX Science: Jaclynne Bishop
- Middle School After-School AIS Math Advisor: Nicholas Rivera (AIS Rate of Pay)
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the following teaching overage for the 2024 – 2025 academic school year at the Watervliet Jr. – Sr. High School, as outlined in the attached, effective September 12, 2024, as recommended by the Superintendent:
- Marc Fruscio (+.2 FTE)
On a motion by Victoria Donnelly, seconded by Kyle Daniels and accepted 3-0 (Brian White abstained), the Board approved the following Coaches for the 2024– 2025 school year, pending fingerprint clearance and fulfillment of NYSED coaching requirements, at a rate as per contract, as recommended by the Superintendent:
Coaching Winter:
- Girls’ Varsity Basketball: Kelsey Logan
- Girls’ Varsity Basketball Assistant: Brian Hoefer
- Girls’ Modified Basketball: Emily Burke
- Boys’ Varsity Basketball: Marc Fruscio
- Boys’ Varsity Assistant: Peter Juste
- Boys’ Modified Basketball: Jordan Ries
- Boys’ Varsity Wrestling: Dennis Lane
- Boys’ Assistant Wrestling: Peyton White
- Girls’ Wrestling: Shanon Groncki
- Varsity Bowling: Paul Travers
- Varsity Cheerleading: Paige Martin
- Varsity Cheerleading Volunteer: Jessica Kelly
- Indoor Track: Jamie Cocoa
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the following:
WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirement of Education Law Section 3012-c and Part 30-2.9 of the Rules of the Board of Regents, the individuals named below have completed all the necessary training to be certified as lead evaluators of classroom teachers;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby certifies the following individual as lead evaluator of classroom teachers:
- Rebecca LaForest
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Substitute Registry submitted by BOCES, as recommended by the Superintendent (packets #4, #5 and #6).
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board accepted the Internal Claims Auditor Report for the month of October 2024, submitted by Michaeleen Backus, as recommended by the Superintendent
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the following Treasurer’s Reports for the month of September 2024, submitted by Keith Heid, Business Manager, as recommended by the Superintendent:
- Schedule of Warrants & Payrolls
- Revenue Status Report
- Cash & Investments
- Appropriation Status Report
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board accepted the External Auditors’ Annual Audit Report for the period July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024, submitted by Teal, Becker and Chiaramonte CPAs, P.C., as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the following payment requests, submitted by Keith Heid, Business Manager, as recommended by the Superintendent:
- CSArch
Invoice #7279
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Agreement with CASDA, for data review and walk-through observations, as outlined in the attached, effective October 28, 2024 – June 30, 2025, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Data Access and Security Agreement between the Watervliet City School District and the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC), effective October 28, 2024, as outlined in the attached, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Data Privacy Agreement between the Watervliet City School District and CodeHS, Inc., effective November 12, 2024, as outlined in the attached, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Data Privacy Agreement between the Watervliet City School District and Renaissance Learning, Inc., effective July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2027, as outlined in the attached, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Special Education Services Contract with the Green Island Union Free School District, for instructional and special education services, effective September 5, 2024 – June 30, 2025, as outlined in the attached, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Agreement with Advanced Therapy, P.T., O.T., S.L.P., Psychologist, Registered Professional Nurse (RN), P.L.L.C., for therapy services, as outlined in the attached, effective November 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Board of Education Minutes for the meeting held October 8, 2024, submitted by Bernadette L. Boardman, Clerk of the Board, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Committee on Special Education’s recommendations for the meetings held September 20, October 1, October 7, October 8, October 9, October 10, October 15, October 23 and October 24, 2024, submitted by Molly McGrath, Veronica Wilson, Rebecca Haws, and Danielle Tetrault, CSE Chairs, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Committee on Pre-School Special Education’s recommendations for the meetings held October 23, 2024, submitted by Molly McGrath, CPSE Chair, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the home-schooling requests of the parents/guardians of the following students, as recommended by the Superintendent:
- Student ID 900010713 – grade 12
- Student ID 900015146 – grade K
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the following Student Teacher request at the Watervliet Elementary School, as outlined below, as recommended by the Superintendent:
- Name(s): Anna Wicks
Role: Student Observer
Cooperating Teacher(s): Stacey Mastan
Dates: Fall Semester 2024 - Name(s): Zoie Wass
Role: Student Observer
Cooperating Teacher(s): Samantha Walsh
Dates: Fall Semester 2024 - Name(s): Emma Grimmick
Role: Student Observer
Cooperating Teacher(s): Shawna Santuccione
Dates: Fall Semester 2024
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board accepted, with thanks, the donation of multiple truckloads of wood from Thomas Georgia, to be used by technology students creating wood-based projects, as recommended by the Superintendent.
On a motion by Kyle Daniels, seconded by Victoria Donnelly and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the excision of the following Outdated/Irreparable Kitchen Equipment from the Watervliet City School District, submitted by Darryl Whited, Cook Manager, as recommended by the Superintendent:
- 3 Cres Cor – Hot Hold #H137PSUA12CLS
- 1 Cleveland Enodis 30 Gallon Tilt Skillet #SGL-300AT1
Executive Session
On a motion by Victoria Donnelly seconded by Kyle Daniels and unanimously accepted, the Board entered into executive session at 6:18 p.m. to discuss matters related to a current investigation.
On a motion by Brian White seconded by Kyle Daniels and unanimously accepted, the Board adjourned executive session and adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bernadette L. Boardman
Clerk of the Board