Watervliet City School District – Special Board of Education Meeting to Receive the Results of the June 9, 2020 Vote and Election – June 16, 2020
Transcription of Live Broadcast
Sheri Senecal, Board President: Good evening, everyone. I’d like to call the meeting to order at 7:59 p.m. Could we please do the roll call?
Dr. Lori Caplan, Superintendent: Mrs. Senecal – Here, Mrs. Soroka, Mrs. Cavanaugh – Here, Mr. Hoffman – Here, and Mrs. Whited – Here. All present but Mrs. Soroka.
Sheri Senecal: Thank you. So the first item of order, can I have someone do an emergency appointment of Sue Vogel for the purposes of counting ballots?
Steve Hoffman: I’ll make a motion.
Sheri Senecal: Thank you, Steve.
Amanda Cavanaugh: I’ll second.
Sheri Senecal: Thank you. And Mrs. Boardman, would you do the roll call?
Bernadette Boardman: Sure. Mrs. Senecal, Mrs. Soroka is not here, Mrs. Whited, Mr. Hoffman, and Mrs. Cavanaugh: (All) Yes. Thank you.
Sheri Senecal: Thank you. Okay, so with that, we’ll look to receive the election of two board members for the Board of Education each for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2020. Do we have the results?
Bernadette Boardman: Yes, we do.
Bernadette Boardman: For the budget vote, the “yes” votes were 708. The “no” votes were 265. The total number of votes for the budget were 973. For the candidates for the Board of Education Timothy Delisle received 798 votes. Mary Beth Wade received 829 votes. And then we had a number of write-ins. Timothy Cole received one vote; Douglas Zinns, one vote; Jay Ryan, two votes; Andrew Christie, one vote; Mary Bendon, one vote; Fred Timberlin, one vote; Beth Capitula, one vote; Shawn Smelter, three votes; Paul Labossierre, one vote; Frank Faziola, one vote; Mary Patricia Barbaro, five votes; Adam Gorman, one vote; Michael Calicone, two votes; Robert Passono, one vote; Jeff Dring, one vote; Laura Gingeresky, one vote; Debbie Edwards, one vote; Jennifer Dane, one vote; James Kawa, one vote; Art Fruscio, one vote; Chris Daus, one vote; Jessica DeJesus, one vote; Kareem Manns, one vote; Mickey Mouse, one vote; NOTA (I’m not sure what that means), one vote; Jennifer Brand, one vote; Donald Trump, one vote; Matt Ethier, one vote; Jennifer Rae Moran, one vote; Phil Osgood, one vote.; Joshua Veshia, two votes.
Sheri Senecal: Thank you.
Bernadette Boardman: You’re welcome.
Sheri Senecal: So I would resolve that the board accept the results of the June 9, 2020 annual election and budget vote, as recommended by the superintendent.
Steve Hoffman: I’ll make a motion.
Mary Beth Whited: I’ll second.
Sheri Senecal: Thank you Mary Beth. And would you do the roll call, Mrs. Boardman?
Bernadette Boardman: Sure. Mrs. Senecal, Mrs. Whited, Mr. Hoffman, and Mrs. Cavanaugh: (All) Yes. Okay. And Mrs. Soroka is not here.
Sheri Senecal: Thank You. And congratulations to Mary Beth and Tim on your appointments to the board. Thank you to all who have shown up to vote. Thank you for sending in your ballots and participating. We thank all of those who were there today to count the votes as well, and we appreciate all the work that everyone put into making sure that the information was available to the public. Do I have a motion to close the meeting, unless, Dr. Caplan, you had anything you wanted to say.
Dr. Caplan: I just also want to thank the voters. We had three times the amount of turnout with the ballots. I hope that this trend continues so everybody has a say in our budget. And it was a very fiscally responsible budget that kept programs and people intact for the children. And so everybody benefits. I appreciate the community voting. I was looking forward to another three years were working with Mary Beth, and I look forward to working with Tim as well. Thank you, everybody.
Sheri Senecal: Okay, so I have a motion to close the meeting at what time is it 8:09 p.m.
Amanda Cavanaugh: You know Steve has to do that.
Mary Beth Whited: I was just thinking that.
Steve Hoffman: I’ll make the motion.
Sheri Senecal: Thank you Steve.
Mary Beth Whited: I’ll second.
Sheri Senecal: Okay Mary Beth. And the last roll call of the evening Mrs. Boardman.
Bernadette Boardman: Mrs. Senecal, Mrs. Whited, Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Cavanaugh: (All) Yes. Thank you.
Sheri Senecal: See everyone tomorrow. Thank you.