Board of Education Regular Meeting August 12, 2021

Watervliet City School District
Watervliet, New York

Board of Education
Regular Meeting
Date: August 12, 2021
Type of Meeting: Regular Meeting
Meeting Opened: 6 p.m.
Where: Livestream

Board Members Present:

President Amanda Cavanaugh
Vice President Sheri Senecal
Heather Soroka
Mary Beth Whited
Timothy Delisle

Superintendent: Dr. Lori S. Caplan

The meeting was opened at 6 p.m., with President Cavanaugh officiating.

Public Comment

There were no public comments.


A. Superintendent’s Report

Dr. Caplan recognized Mrs. Lance for being a finalist for NYS Teacher of the Year. She read a letter from the State Education Department and noted that Mrs. Lance will be recognized this fall.

Mr. Stevens shared the following:

  • We will be opening using a tiered mitigation for COVID-19. It is a tiered system that will depend on level of transmission. As things change, the approach will change. We will require face masks for yellow to red levels and encourage them in the blue level.

Mrs. Senecal asked if this will change with the release of more formal guidance.

Mr. Stevens indicated that it will change, as needed.

Dr. Caplan noted that there is a difference between “guidance” and an executive order.

  • Next Wednesday at 6 p.m., there will be a community forum.

Mrs. Cavanaugh asked if it is correct that when we are in the red, no outside groups can use the facilities.

Dr. Caplan answered yes.

Dr. Caplan also noted that students are expected to be in school unless they have a doctor’s note. There will be surveillance testing.

Mrs. Senecal asked if there would be parent consent forms for testing of students.

Dr. Caplan responded that there will be parent consent forms.

Mrs. Cavanaugh asked if school hours and other important information will be part of the forum next week.

Mr. Stevens stated that he would put together a separate PowerPoint presentation that will address those items.

Mrs. Senecal asked if it will be virtual or in person.

Mr. Stevens noted that it will be virtual, in order to allow anyone who wants to join to have access to it without having to limit participation due to COVID restrictions. It will also be recorded and available on his YouTube channel for later viewing.

Mr. Stevens noted that we partnered with Lansingburgh Schools and Capital Region BOCES to bring a Robotics STEM camp to the district. Regeneron sponsored the camp. They will be here tomorrow to view the competition.

Dr. Caplan provided a brief building project update, noting that WHS is on track to be completed and they are awaiting an update on the WES roof. She also noted that summer school and extended school year wrap up tomorrow. She added that Mrs. Horaczek has done a great job in her new role.

B. Student Council Report

There was no Student Council report.

C. Committee Reports

  • Audit Committee

There was no Audit Committee report.

  • Policy Committee
    • First Reading of New Policies:
      • Password Policy
      • Wireless Device Policy
    • First Reading of Revised Policies:
      • Confidentiality of Computerized Information
      • Internet Safety/Internet Content Filtering Policy
      • Use of Email in the School District
      • Staff Use of Computerized Information Resources
      • Smoking, Tobacco and Cannibis (Marijuana) Use
  •  SAVE Committee

There was no SAVE Committee report.

Board of Education Discussion

Mrs. Cavanaugh thanked everyone for their hard work on the COVID-19 protocol chart. She congratulated Mrs. Lance on being a finalist. She also indicated that she participated in Relay for Life, noting that the organization did a great job. Finally, she thanked Sarah, noting that she’s been hearing great things about her in the community.

Items Requiring Board Action

On a motion by Heather Soroka seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the following resolution:

WHEREAS, after careful consideration and consultation, the Board of Education has determined that Donald Stevens, Jr. possesses the necessary qualifications and experience to serve as the Watervliet City School District’s Superintendent of Schools and to continue the orderly administration of the District’s ongoing programs and projects; and

WHEREAS, Donald Stevens, Jr. has agreed to accept the Board’s offer of appointment for a 3-year term to serve as the District’s Superintendent of Schools, effective on November 1, 2021; and

WHEREAS, the Board and Donald Stevens, Jr. have negotiated an agreement governing the terms and conditions of employment for the Superintendent of Schools.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby

1. Appoints Donald Stevens, Jr. as the Superintendent of Schools of the Watervliet City School District for a term of three (3) years, commencing on November 1, 2021; and

2. Approves and authorizes the President of the Board of Education, or the Vice-President in his/her absence, to execute the employment agreement with Donald Stevens to set forth the terms and conditions of his employment as Superintendent of Schools and to file the same with the District Clerk.

3. This resolution shall take effect immediately.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board accepted the resignation of Donald Stevens, Jr., from the position of Assistant Superintendent for the Watervliet City School District, effective at the close of business on October 31, 2021, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board accepted the retirement request of Mary Grace Delamater, from the position of Food Service Worker at the Watervliet Jr. – Sr. High School, effective June 25, 2021, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board accepted the resignation of Hillary Brochu, from the position of Science Teacher at the Watervliet Jr. – Sr. High School, effective July 21, 2021, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board accepted the resignation of Lisa Suders, from the position of Social Studies Teacher at the Watervliet Jr. – Sr. High School, effective August 16, 2021, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board accepted the resignation of Christine DeMento, from the position of Cafeteria Worker at the Watervliet Jr. – Sr. High School, effective June 24, 2021, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the leave request for Khalan McNeff, effective September 1, 2021 through October 1, 2021, to return to work on October 4, 2021, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board rescinded the appointment of the following Coaches for the 2021– 2022 school year, pending fingerprint clearance and fulfillment of NYSED coaching requirements, at a rate as per contract, as recommended by the Superintendent:


Coaching Fall:

Varsity Assistant Football: Fred Job
Modified Assistant Football: Melique Garcia
Varsity Girls’ Soccer: Mike O’Brien
Varsity Volleyball: Dan Short
Modified Volleyball: Michele Deguire
Varsity Volunteer Cheerleading: Hannah O’Neill

Coaching Winter:

Varsity Boys Basketball: Orlando DiBacco
Varsity Volunteer: Dan Pomerer
Boys Indoor Track: Melique Garcia
Cheerleading Volunteer: Hannah O’Neill

Coaching Spring:

Varsity Baseball: Pete Soroka
Volunteer Baseball: Mark Cady
Volunteer Baseball: James Griffin Sr.
Varsity Softball: Mike Bendon
Volunteer Softball: Josh Bagnardi
Volunteer Softball: John Jones
Boys Outdoor Track: Melique Garcia

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the approve the following appointments for the 2021 Summer Lunch Program:

Mary Schoonmaker Paige Jensen
Heather Swinney Rebecca Sutherland
Patricia King Rosa Morales
Tina Ploof Carol Waters
Tina Defrain

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the following Extended Year School (ESY) 2021 substitute appointments at a salary as per contract, as recommended by the Superintendent:

Jessica Willson
Cameeka Williams (1/3 shared level 1 summer school stipend)
Anna Makovik (1/3 shared level 1 summer school stipend)
Kerry Degnan

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the probationary appointment of Shelley Palkovic to the position of Teaching Assistant, in the tenure area of Teaching Assistant, at the Watervliet Jr. – Sr. High School, beginning September 1, 2021, at a Step 3 salary, plus Associate or Bachelor degree stipends, as per contract. The probationary period shall expire on September 1, 2024, contingent upon positive evaluations from his/her direct supervisor throughout his/her probationary period, consistent with the requirements of Education Law Sections 2509, 3012-c, and/or 3012-d. Shelley Palkovic holds a certification in ELA (7-12), Professional Certificate, (certificate #615691121).

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the probationary appointment of Elizabeth Jones to the position of Teaching Assistant, in the tenure area of Teaching Assistant, at the Watervliet Elementary School, beginning September 1, 2021, at a Step 1 salary, plus Associate or Bachelor degree stipends, as per contract. The probationary period shall expire on September 1, 2025, contingent upon positive evaluations from his/her direct supervisor throughout his/her probationary period, consistent with the requirements of Education Law Sections 2509, 3012-c, and/or 3012-d. Elizabeth Jones holds a Teaching Assistant, Level I, certification (certificate #1515326211).

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the probationary appointment of Laura Zasada to the position of Social Worker, in the tenure area of Social Work, at the Watervliet Elementary School, beginning September 1, 2021, at a Step 2 salary, plus master’s degree and credit hours, as per contract. The probationary period shall expire on September 1, 2025, contingent upon achievement of effective or highly effective APPR ratings necessary to receive tenure throughout his/her probationary period, consistent with the requirements of Education Law Sections 2509, 3012-c, and/or 3012-d. Laura Zasada holds a School Social Worker certification, Provisional (certificate #1404961201).

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the probationary appointment of Carrie Ann Swift-Huntley to the position of Science Teacher, in the tenure area of Science, at the Watervliet Jr. – Sr. High School, beginning September 1, 2021, at a Step 1 salary, plus master’s degree and credit hours, as per contract. The probationary period shall expire on September 1, 2025, contingent upon achievement of effective or highly effective APPR ratings necessary to receive tenure throughout his/her probationary period, consistent with the requirements of Education Law Sections 2509, 3012-c, and/or 3012-d. Carrie Ann Swift-Huntley holds Emergency COVID-19 certifications in Chemistry (5-12) (certificate #1435947201), General Science (7-12) (certificate #1435946201) and Chemistry (7-12) (certificate #1416252201).

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the probationary appointment of Michaela Childs to the position of Social Studies Teacher, in the tenure area of Social Studies, at the Watervliet Jr. – Sr. High School, beginning September 1, 2021, at a Step 3 salary, plus master’s degree and credit hours, as per contract. The probationary period shall expire on September 1, 2025, contingent upon achievement of effective or highly effective APPR ratings necessary to receive tenure throughout his/her probationary period, consistent with the requirements of Education Law Sections 2509, 3012-c, and/or 3012-d. Michaela Childs holds a Social Studies (7-12) certification, Initial (certificate #1197565181).

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved Laura Zasada, elementary school social worker as of September 1, 2021, to participate in summer professional development prior to her full-time appointment at the rate of $34.84 per hour, retroactive to July 14, 2021, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved Carrie Ann Swift-Huntley, high school chemistry teacher as of September 1, 2021, to participate in summer professional development prior to her full-time appointment at the rate of $34.84 per hour, retroactive to July 19, 2021, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the appointment of Robin Nichols to the position of Full-Time Bus Driver for the Watervliet City School District, at a rate of $18.50 per hour, effective August 23, 2021 as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the appointment of Kimberly Prouty to the position of Full-Time Bus Driver for the Watervliet City School District, at a rate of $18.50 per hour, effective August 23, 2021 as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the appointment of Dave McFarland to the position of Night Cleaning Supervisor at the Watervliet Elementary School for a period beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022, at a salary of $12,906.00, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the appointment of Jordan Peluso to the position of Long-Term Substitute Elementary Teacher, Grade 3, at the Watervliet Elementary School, effective September 1, 2021, at a rate of $150.00 per diem, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the appointment of Leah Karn to the position of Long-Term Substitute Elementary Teacher, Grade 5, at the Watervliet Elementary School, effective September 1, 2021, at a rate of $150.00 per diem, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the appointment of Ryan Donlon to the position of Daily Building Substitute Teacher at the Watervliet Jr. – Sr. High School, effective September 7, 2021, at a rate of $110.00 per diem, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board appointed the following staff to the Watervliet Jr. – Sr. Club/Class Advisors for the 2021 – 2022 school year, at a rate as per contract, as recommended by the Superintendent:

Class of 2022: Nick Yatrakis Co-Advisor
Junior High Student Council: Jaclynn Bishop Co-Advisor

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the following teaching overages for the 2021 – 2022 academic school year at the Watervliet Jr. – Sr. High School, as outlined in the attached, effective September 7, 2021, as recommended by the Superintendent:

• Rebecca Sweeney (+.2)
• Meghan Fronczek (+.2)
• Dawn Sylvester (+.2)
• Daniel Mueller (+.2)
• Matthew Saucier (+.2)
• Natalie Spence (+.2)
• Kim Barkamian (+.1)
• Jaclynne Bishop (+.1)

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the appointment of the following Coaches for the 2021– 2022 school year, pending fingerprint clearance and fulfillment of NYSED coaching requirements, at a rate as per contract, as recommended by the Superintendent:

Modified Volleyball: Beth Jones
Junior Varsity Volleyball: Michelle DeGuire
Varsity Boys’ Soccer: Michael LaCouture
Varsity Cross Country: Benjamin Valentine
Assistant Varsity Football: Anthony Murray
Volunteer Varsity Football: Albert Pasinella
Volunteer Varsity Football: Gabriel Smith

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the appointment of the following staff to the Watervliet Elementary School Clubs for the 2021 – 2022 school year, at a rate as per contract, as recommended by the Superintendent:

Art: Christina Coogan
Band: Andrew Cowie
Chorus: Mary Collett
Environmental Club: Rebecca Cioffi
Garden Club: Geraldine Ferris

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board accepted the Internal Claims Auditor Report for the months of June 2021 and July 2021, submitted by Michaeleen Backus, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the following hourly pay rate increases for the following employees, retroactive to July 1, 2021, as recommended by the Superintendent:

  • Donna Belokopitsky $25.00/hour
  • Marlene Johnston $15.00/hour
  • Chris Kowalewski $24.20/hour

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the following daily pay rate, as recommended by the Superintendent:

  • Daily Substitute $110.00 per diem
  • Long-Term Substitute $150.00 per diem

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Payment for Unused Sick and Vacation Leave in the amount of $33,839.00 for Dave Capitula, upon his retirement from the Watervliet City School District, effective June 30, 2021, per the terms of the Employee Benefits Document for Non-Aligned Employees, submitted by Keith Heid, Business Manager, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board accepted the Office of the State Comptroller’s Report of Examination on Information Technology (Report #2021M-34) for the period July 1, 2019 – November 17, 2020, as outlined in the attached, submitted by Keith Heid, Business Manager, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Final 2020-2021 AS-7 Contract with Capital Region BOCES, submitted by Keith Heid, Business Manager, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Preliminary 2021-2022 AS-7 Contract with Capital Region BOCES, submitted by Keith Heid, Business Manager, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Tax Collection Agreement between the Watervliet City School District and Pioneer Savings Bank for the collection of 2021-22 school taxes, submitted by Keith Heid, Business Manager, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board designated Anil Mulchandani, Pioneer Savings Bank – Watervliet Branch, as the Deputy Tax Collector, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the “Cooperative Bidding Cafeteria Commodities for Use in the Regional Food Service Management Program” resolution for the 2021-22 school year, submitted by Keith Heid, Business Manager, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board designated ONEGROUP Schenectady as the property & casualty insurance carrier for the Watervliet City School District for the 2021-2022 school year.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the following payment requests, submitted by Keith Heid, Business Manager, as recommended by the Superintendent:


DLC Electric, LLC
Application #002
Application #003

Gallo Construction
Application #002
Application #003

General Roofing Contractors
Application #002

R.F. Gordon Mechanical LLC
Application #001
Application #002

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the amendments to the Employee Benefit Document for Non-Aligned Employees, as outlined in the attached, submitted by Keith Heid, Business Manager, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the revised Employee Benefit Document for Cafeteria and Lunchroom Monitors, as outlined in the attached, submitted by Darryl Whited, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Data Privacy Agreement with Noteflight LLC, as outlined in the attached, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Data Privacy Agreement with Multi-Health Systems, Inc., as outlined in the attached, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Data Privacy Agreement with Hanover Research Council, as outlined in the attached, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Contract between the Watervliet City School District and Chelsea Place Psychological Services to provide Support Services to the Autism and Social Emotional Classrooms, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Contracts (2) between the Watervliet City School District and Crossroads Center for Children to provide Special Education Services for the School Age Summer Program, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Contracts (2) between the Watervliet City School District and Crossroads Center for Children to provide Special Education Services for the School Age Fall Program, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Memorandum of Understanding between the Watervliet City School District and Albany Community Action Partnership (ACAP) to provide Services for Preschool Children with Disabilities and their Families, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Agreement between the Watervliet City School District and the Center for Disability Services to provide Instruction for Children with Disabilities, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Tuition Agreement between the Watervliet City School District and Northern Rivers for services provided by the Northeast Parent and Child Society, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Agreement between the Watervliet City School District and Carron Rutnik to provide Transitional Support Services, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Tuition Agreement between the Watervliet City School District and Northern Rivers for services provided by the Neil Hellman School Program, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Agreement between the Watervliet City School District and St. Catherine’s Center for Children to provide Special Education Services, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Board of Education Minutes for the meetings held June 24, July 1, July 21, and August 4, 2021, submitted by Bernadette L. Boardman, Clerk of the Board, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the following Committee on Special Education (CSE) appointment, as recommended by the Superintendent:

Sarah Horaczek, Alternate Chairperson

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Committee on Special Education’s recommendations for the meetings held June 8, June 9, June 10, June 11, June 15, June 16, June 17, June 21, June 22, June 23, June 24, July 1, July 9, July 27 and August 10, 2021, submitted by Veronica Bedard and Danielle Tetrault, CSE Chairs, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the Committee on Pre-School Special Education’s recommendations for the meeting held June 16, 2021, submitted by Veronica Bedard, former CPSE Chair, and for the meetings held July 21 and July 30, 2021, submitted by Sarah Horaczek, CPSE Chair, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board deleted the following policies, as recommended by the Superintendent:

  • Certified Personnel
  • Certification and Qualifications
  • Student Data Breaches

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved and adopted the attached District Comprehensive Improvement Plan for the Watervliet City School District, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved and adopted the confidential Building Level Emergency Response Plan 2021 – 2022 for the Watervliet Elementary School, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved and adopted the confidential Building Level Emergency Response Plan 2021 – 2022 for the Watervliet Jr. – Sr. High School, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved and adopted the attached District-Level Safety Plan 2021 – 2022 for the Watervliet City School District, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the approved and adopted the attached revised Wellness Policy for the Watervliet City School District, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the home schooling request of Lindsi Shalhoub for her child, Ryan Shalhoub, Grade 1, for the 2021 – 2022 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the excision of broken/irreparable computers, printers, monitors cords, keyboards, and projectors, as outlined in the attached, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the excision of broken/irreparable transmitters and receivers, as outlined in the attached, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved the excision of outdated materials and textbooks, as outlined in the attached, as recommended by the Superintendent.

On a motion by Mary Beth Whited seconded by Timothy Delisle and unanimously accepted, the Board approved and adopted the attached COVID-19 Layered Mitigation Protocols: 2021 – 2022 for the Watervliet City School District, as recommended by the Superintendent.

Dr. Caplan congratulated Mr. Stevens on his appointment to Superintendent, noting that he has worked here for 15 years, as a teacher, Director and an Assistant Superintendent. She added that he is positive, dedicated, kind and compassionate and she is leaving the district in good hands. She stated that Mr. Stevens defends his doctoral dissertation on his birthday.

Board Discussion

Mrs. Cavanaugh noted that we will have a nice, smooth transition in leadership.

Executive Session

On a motion by Heather Soroka seconded by Sheri Senecal and unanimously accepted, the Board adjourned to executive session at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the annual evaluation of the superintendent.


On a motion by Timothy Delisle seconded by Sheri Senecal and unanimously accepted, the Board adjourned at 7:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Bernadette L. Boardman
Clerk of the Board