Extra-Curricular/Athletic COVID-19 Pandemic Guidelines February 2021

The Watervliet City School District is dedicated to minimizing risk to our students, coaches, staff and community. With that in mind, all participants in our extracurricular programs will adhere to the following guidelines:


  1. All students may participate in extracurricular activities, with preference given to hybrid/in-person learners at Watervliet High School.
  2. All students participating will be in good academic standing at Watervliet High School.
  3.  Prior to entering the building for activity, each student must complete and display the results of the Watervliet City School district health attestation, which can be found at https://entry.neric.org/watervliet
  4. Students will report directly to their assigned location and pod. Students will not commingle with students in other pods or wander to other areas of the school. Sanitizing stations will be set up for each pod.
  5.  Students will wear appropriate face coverings/masks (cloth-based face coverings and/or disposable masks that cover both the mouth and the nose) throughout the duration of their activity/session. “Mask breaks” will not be permitted. Masks may be removed in order to drink water. Student athletes must bring their own full bottle of water.
  6. Students will maintain social distancing guidelines of 6 feet apart unless safety or the core activity (e.g. practicing, playing) requires a shorter distance. Face coverings are to be worn at ALL times.
  7. Students will refrain from sharing equipment without permission. All equipment will be disinfected between use.
  8. Students will refrain from hand-to-hand contact during activity unless it is part of the activity as directed by the coach or director. At no time will handshakes, high-fives, fist bumps, and/or hugs be permitted.
  9.  Students will not share belongings (clothing, towels, water bottles, etc).
  10.  Students/ Athletes who are not feeling well must stay home.
  11.  At the end of the session and/or activity, students will refrain from any form of congregating. Students will leave the facility with only the members of their pod.


  1. Coaches and advisors will ensure activities and drills adhere to Albany County DOH and CDC guidelines, including, but not limited to, social distancing, face coverings and hand hygiene.
  2. Coaches and advisors will be responsible for students following the WCSD reopening plans as well as Albany County DOH and CDC Guidelines.
  3. Coaches and advisors will be responsible for ensuring equipment and/or materials are disinfected in between uses.
  4. Coaches and advisors will be responsible for taking daily attendance for contact tracing purposes.
  5. Coaches and advisors will prohibit more than 10 students to join a pod or commingle between pods.

Download Extracurricular Activity Permission Slip