The primary goal of the Watervliet City School District is to educate the whole student, first by stimulating the student academically and then by offering a number of common experiences designed to develop the social, emotional, physical and ethical development of the individual. Extracurricular programs are designed to provide such experiences and are, therefore, considered an integral part of our education program. These programs are, however, a privilege, and a student must maintain a good academic and behavior standing in order to earn the right to participate.
It is the hope of the Athletic Department that all students will participate in some phase of the sports program. In order to ensure a memorable and positive experience, as well as a smooth running athletic program, we would like to make each parent and athlete aware of the basic policies which govern interscholastic athletics at Watervliet.
Watervliet City School District is governed by the New York State High School Athletic Association, Section 2, and the Colonial Council Athletic Conference, competing as a Class “C/B” sized school.
If you have questions or concerns about any information in the Athletic Handbook , please contact the high school athletic office at 518-629-3303.
It is the belief of Watervliet City School Athletics that student-athletes grow mentally, physically, and socially through their involvement in sports. Hopefully, this growth will result in a healthy lifestyle which will be prevalent throughout their lives. Each school year, prior to the start of his/her child’s first sports season, the parent/guardian must attend a scheduled general meeting with the athletic director. A consent form will be distributed and must be signed at this session.
Once the parent/guardian has attended this meeting and the child has participated in a sport, the parent/guardian does not have to attend another general session during the school year. All consent forms for a second or third sport season must still be signed prior to the first practice.
Working toward a common goal involves maximum performance and consistent effort for a “successful experience.” Each level of our athletic program develops a certain outcome for each participant.
Note: Some of the following athletic team situations are limited in size and space. As a result, cuts may occur. At all levels, each individual will be given an
opportunity to compete for a roster spot.
The modified interscholastic athletic program is the beginning of athletic competition. Participation is the priority as these student/athletes begin to practice with a purpose and develop skills of teamwork, sportsmanship, and discipline. The emphasis is for the continued development of an athlete both physically and mentally. The “winning” aspect is de-emphasized. Each athlete will be given an opportunity to play in regular game situations throughout the season. The amount of playing time will be left to the discretion of the coach.
Junior Varsity
As development continues for the athlete, he/she will become more familiar with the system used at the varsity level. Learning how to compete, becoming a member of a team, and understanding how the individual fits in a team role is emphasized. Winning and success become more focused. Each individual will be given the opportunity to play during the season at the discretion of the coach.
Varsity athletics is the culmination of continuous commitment and dedication to a particular sport. Athletes in these sports participate in a highly competitive atmosphere at the interscholastic level. The athlete will be involved in league and possible sectional and state competition. Playing time is at the discretion of the coach.
Being a member of a Watervliet athletic team is a privilege and an honor. To many athletes, it is the fulfillment of an early ambition. The achievement of this goal carries with it certain traditions and responsibilities that must be accepted. A great athletic tradition has been developed by the hard work of many people over the years. As a member of an athletic squad at Watervliet, you have inherited a great tradition. Your actions will reflect not only on those with whom you are associated now, but those who have contributed so much to our school in the past.
Many of our athletes have gone on to collegiate fame. Many others have established league, section, and state records. Because of this fine tradition, a challenge is set for you to work hard and to make sure that your actions reflect the standards that are set by the athletic department.
One of the missions of co-curricular school activities is to serve as an extension of the classroom. There are important lessons to be learned in athletics. One of those lessons is to set and maintain high standards of sportsmanship, ethics, and integrity in our schools and our society. It is up to us to provide the direction and constant vigilance under which good sportsmanship can prosper and have a positive impact on our children, the leaders of tomorrow, and ourselves.
Watervliet has joined a statewide campaign sponsored by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association, Inc., to promote sportsmanship at our events. We feel the need to stress the type of exemplary behavior that should be exhibited by all players and spectators at our events.
The value of the lessons learned by exhibiting good sportsmanship will last a lifetime. If we ever lose sight of that, then athletics, or any co-curricular activity, is not worth sponsoring. The positive actions of a coach, athlete or spectator at an event can influence how our school is perceived in our community and the communities of those schools we meet on the field of play.
We are asking for your support in this effort by emphasizing to your son or daughter what is expected of them at an athletic event as a competitor or spectator. After all, such events are an extension of the school day, and we should expect the same type of respectful behavior exhibited in the athletic arena as we do in the classroom. We urge you to ask your children to demonstrate self-control and self-discipline and, at the same time, enjoy the games.
Finally, we ask you to set a good example when in the stands at an event. It is only through these efforts that we can clearly communicate what is acceptable behavior. We hope that your positive example will help set the tone for those around you so we may all enjoy the games in which our athletic teams are involved.
When you attend an athletic event, you are given the privilege to view the action and to voice your support of our teams. We want the support to be in a positive tone so that the educational value of these events is completely developed and clearly communicated to our students.
It is the duty of all concerned with public school athletics:
- To emphasize the proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair play.
- To eliminate the possibilities which tend to destroy the best values of the game.
- To stress the values derived from playing the game fairly.
- To show cordial courtesy to visiting teams and officials.
- To establish a positive relationship between visitors and hosts.
- To respect the integrity and judgment of the sports officials.
- To achieve a thorough understanding and acceptance of the rules of the game and the standards of eligibility.
- To encourage leadership, use of initiative, and good judgment by the players on the team.
- To recognize that the purpose of athletics is to promote the physical, mental, moral, social, and emotional well being of the individual players.
- To remember that an athletic contest is only a game – not a matter of life or death for player, coach, school, official, fan, community, state, or nation.
Varsity Football
Modified Football
Girls’ Varsity Soccer
Girls’ Modified Soccer
Boys’ Varsity & J.V Soccer
Boys’ & Girls’ Varsity and Modified Cross Country
Girls’ Varsity Volleyball
Girls’ J.V. Volleyball
Varsity Cheerleading
Varsity Boys’ Basketball
Junior Varsity Boys’ Basketball
Varsity Girls’ Basketball
Junior Varsity Girls’ Basketball
Varsity Boys’ Wrestling
Modified Boys’ Wrestling
Varsity Indoor Track
Varsity Baseball
JV Baseball
Varsity Softball
Modified Softball
Varsity & Modified Track & Field
The Board of Education recognizes the educational values inherent in student participation in Extracurricular Activities for such purposes as participating in athletics, building social relationships, developing interests in an academic area, and gaining an understanding of the responsibilities of good citizenship.
The Board believes it is important for students to have support and intervention from parents, teachers and administration when it becomes apparent that academic achievement or behavioral standards cannot be maintained. This cooperative effort is designed to encourage and
motivate students to continue to perform at their potential academically, athletically, and in all areas of interest and endeavor.
In order to promote the highest standards of scholarship, achievement and integrity, the Board advocates that every student who wishes to participate in Extracurricular Activities uphold a satisfactory level of academic and behavioral achievement.
Attendance in school is an important part of participation in extracurricular activities. The Board recommends that all appointments be made after the school day or during school vacations (i.e. doctor or dentist appointments, driving test, etc.).
The guidance department shall generate and distribute the Academic Probation List to all faculty, coaches and advisors within five days of each five-week marking period. The guidance department shall also send a letter to each student’s parent or guardian indicating that the student is on the Academic Probation list stating that any parent or guardian wishing to have a parent/student/teacher meeting should call the guidance department to schedule an appointment.
The Eligibility Policy and Standards apply to all students in grades 7-12.
A student must be in attendance for the entire school day, including homeroom, in order to participate in any extracurricular activity.
- Any student arriving late or leaving early due to a medical, dental, funeral, or court date must provide written verification to the attendance office upon arrival to school in order to participate in an extracurricular activity for that day.
- Any student leaving early due to illness or injury is not eligible to participate in an extracurricular activity that day.
- The advisors/coaches of extracurricular activities must check the daily attendance sheet to determine eligibility.
- Each student shall be permitted one unexcused tardy per quarter with respect to this policy.
A student failing two or more subjects must comply with the requirements of academic probation in order to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities.
The requirements of academic probation are:
- A student on academic probation must attend a study table session at least two times per week in order to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities. The study table will be held Monday through Thursday from 2:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. in the designated area.
- Failure to attend the study table sessions renders the student ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity for the remainder of the five-week period. Study table sessions missed due to absence from school must be made up immediately upon return of the student to school. For example, if a student should have attended study table on Thursday and the student was absent on Thursday, that student must attend study table the following week on Monday to make up the absence and 2 other dates during that week to fulfill the requirement for that week.
- A student may sign out of study table to obtain direct help from a teacher, but must return to the study table if released by the teacher prior to 3:30 p.m. The study table supervisor will make the initial telephone contact with the teacher to ensure that the student is welcome. If the teacher releases the student prior to 3:30 p.m., the teacher must advise the study table supervisor of the release by telephone. The teacher will also complete an AIS/Extra Help Attendance form and return it to the study table supervisor by the end of that date noting the arrival and departure times of each student.
- If a student is required to participate in Academic Intervention Services (AIS) class(es), the student must go to the study table first for the attendance to qualify under this policy. The study table supervisor will make the initial telephone contact with such teacher to ensure that the student is welcome. If the teacher releases the student prior to 3:30 p.m., the teacher must advise the study table supervisor of the release by telephone. The teacher will also complete an AIS/Extra Help Attendance form and return it to the study table supervisor by the end of that date noting the arrival and departure times of each student.
- If, after the second five weeks, the student continues to fail two or more courses, the student will be required to continue to attend the study table two days per week.
- Any student failing two or more courses for the 4th quarter and the same two or more courses for the year will be placed on Academic Probation at the beginning of the following school year. If the student raises his or her grades to passing by attending summer school and has no more than one 4th quarter or year failure remaining, the student will not be placed on academic probation.
- No student will be diminished in standing on his/her team or activity because of attendance at the required study session.
- Lack of effort and inappropriate behavior of any kind will not be tolerated during the study table and may result in the student being placed on the extracurricular ineligibility list by the study table supervisor and removed for the remainder of the marking period from the “Study Table” program. All students must bring school work or acceptable outside reading material (i.e.
novels). - If a student has a choice to attend study table under this policy between the four available dates, the student must attend on the dates that the student will not be required to leave early. For example, if the student has an “away game” on a Tuesday and the bus for that ”away game” leaves at 3:00 p.m., the student must choose Monday, Wednesday or Thursday to attend study table.
- The “Academic Probation List” means a list of all students failing two or more courses as of the five-week interim progress report or quarterly report card (the “Academic Probation List”).
- The term “extracurricular activities” means any school function not grade dependent, e.g., athletics, intramurals and all club/group meetings, activities, dances, tryouts and performances held before or after school, including practices, contests, or games.
- The term “extracurricular ineligibility list” means the list of students not eligible to participate in any extracurricular activities.
Age and Grade: According to the Commission of Education Regulations, a pupil shall be eligible for senior high school athletic competition in a sport during each of four consecutive seasons of such sport commencing with the pupil’s entry into the ninth grade and prior to graduation, except as otherwise provided in the Selective/Classification Program. The Selective/Classification Program permits pupils in the 7th and 8th grades to compete in senior high school competition provided that they meet the standards of this program.
A pupil shall be eligible for inter-school competition in grades 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 until his/her 19th birthday. A pupil who attains the age of 19 years on or after July 1 may continue to participate during the school year in all sports.
Amateur: A student who represents a school in an interscholastic sport shall be an amateur in that sport. An amateur is one who engages in athletic competition solely for the pleasure of the activity and for the benefits derived from participation. An athlete forfeits amateur status in a sport by:
- Competing for money or other compensation (travel, meals, lodging, etc.);
- Receiving an award or prize of monetary value which has not been approved by NYSPHSAA. (Only awards/prizes less than $50 value will be approved.);
- Capitalizing on athletic fame by receiving money or gifts of monetary value (scholarships to higher institutions are exempted);
- Signing a professional playing contract in that sport.
Assumed Name: Participating under an assumed name in any athletic contest shall make the student/athlete ineligible in that sport for one year from the date of violation.
Bona Fide Students: A contestant must be a bona fide student of the high school represented and must be taking at least four subjects including physical education;
College: A student is no longer eligible to represent the school in that sport in that season if the student participates in practice or competition with or against any college squad;
All-Star Contests: The only all-star contests that an athlete may participate in are exceptional senior athlete contests that are approved by the NYSPHSAA.
- Only seniors who have completed their eligibility in that sport may compete in these contests.
- A contestant may participate in no more than one approved exceptional athlete contest in the same sport during the school year.
Participation on a Watervliet City School District’s athletic team or participation in an extracurricular club is a privilege, which should elicit great pride in both the student and his/her family. It is also a responsibility which requires an extra commitment, both academic and otherwise, by those who wear our school colors and represent their teammates, coaches, classmates, school, and community. Standards of behavior are necessarily high and a willingness to meet these standards is a condition for participating as a member of one of Watervliet’s extracurricular teams or clubs. All students participating in extracurricular activities will be bound by the guidelines of the district’s Code of Conduct in addition to the Extracurricular Code of Conduct.
As a continuing condition of eligibility, students who participate in extracurricular activities, including sports, are required to formally acknowledge their acceptance of these standards by signing a statement of personal commitment.
The Extracurricular Code of Conduct describes academic and other eligibility requirements, the application of the code, penalties, due process, and the appeal procedure. Nothing in the Extracurricular Code of Conduct will preclude the District from instituting appropriate penalties under the Student Code of Conduct with respect to violations of that Code.
The Extracurricular Code of Conduct consists of both academic and behavioral requirements. Participation on any extracurricular team or club is contingent upon the student’s willingness to commit to its provisions as evidenced by his/her completing and signing an official letter of commitment.
Academic Eligibility
Students are eligible to participate as long as they stay academically eligible as described in the Watervliet Extracurricular Eligibility Policy.
Other Eligibility Requirements
In addition to the academic requirements outlined in the Extracurricular Eligibility Policy, and as a further requirement for participation on any interscholastic team or club, students are required to avoid any action(s) or participation in any activity, which might bring any unfavorable view on the student, his/her teammates, coaches, family, school, or community. Alleged violation(s) of this policy will be subject to review and action under the code. No policy can list all infractions or behaviors. Some examples of behaviors which would be considered violations of the Extracurricular Code of Conduct are:
- Watervliet Students Code of Conduct Violations – Violations of the Watervliet Student Code of Conduct resulting in an internal or an out-of-school suspension could result in progressive levels of discipline under this Code.
- Possession and/or Use of Drugs or Alcohol – The possession or use of drugs, drug paraphernalia, or alcohol or the consumption of drugs or alcohol at any time is strictly prohibited.
- Possession and/or Use of Tobacco Products – The possession or use of tobacco products is strictly prohibited.
- Attendance and/or Hosting of Drinking/Drug Parties – Extracurricular participants are prohibited from hosting/attending a party that involves drugs (such as alcohol, marijuana or any other controlled substances).
- Hazing/Initiation Ceremony – Watervliet students will not stage any type of “initiation ceremony” or hazing any time and on any level.
- Poor Sportsmanship – Students, whether participants or spectators, will observe courteous behavior during all events. Name calling, obscene gestures, fighting or arguing will not be tolerated.
- Stealing – Stealing of any kind will not be tolerated.
- Vandalism or Property Destruction – Vandalism or property destruction will not be tolerated.
Application of the Code
All students in grades 7-12 must sign the Extracurricular Code of Conduct at the beginning of each year, or upon enrollment in the district. The Code will apply to each student for one calendar year (including summer) from the date of his/her most recent signature and will be in effect at all times, in all locations, including non-school activities. Violations of the Code will result in penalties as determined by the policy and enforced by the Principal.
First Offense
If a first offense occurs, the student shall be removed from participation in all activities for 30 school calendar days beginning on the date the penalty for the first offense if imposed.
Second Offense
If a second offense occurs, the student shall be removed from participation in all activities for an additional 60 school calendar days beginning on the date the penalty for the second offense is imposed.
Third Offense
If a third offense occurs, the student shall be removed from participation in all activities for one calendar year beginning on the date the penalty for the third offense is imposed.
Due Process
Prior to imposition of any penalty under the Code, the Principal will notify the student and parent/guardian of the nature of the infraction. The student and parent/guardian will be given an opportunity to appear informally before the Principal to explain his or her side of the story.
Appeal Procedure
The student and/or parent/guardian have the right to appeal penalties imposed under the Code to the school principal. Appeals must be made in writing within three days of assignment of a penalty for a code violation. Within three school days after receipt of the letter, the Principal will respond to the appeal.
Every student in grades 7-12 who intends to participate in interscholastic athletics (including cheerleading) must have a sport physical by the school physician.
A student may choose to have a physical exam by his/her family doctor, but it must meet the requirements of the school physical and must be reviewed and approved by the school physician before participation may take place. No student may practice or participate before he/she has received a sport physical, which must be renewed each calendar year.
Each student/athlete is expected to communicate with the school nurse to insure that all necessary paperwork regarding their physical is complete and up to date. The student will then be issued a “Yellow Card” signed by the nurse, indicating their clearance to participate. It is the student’s responsibility to give that Yellow Card to their coach. No student/athlete will be allowed to participate in any practice or game until the Yellow Card is received by their coach.
While the coaching staff and other responsible school officials will do everything within reason to protect your child against injury, including the provision for appropriate equipment, safe facilities and training designed to reduce the impact of accidents,
An athlete must notify his/her coach at the time an injury is sustained in order to receive proper medical treatment and school insurance coverage. The coach will fill out an accident report and file it with the nurse, athletic director, and the business office. Upon receiving medical treatment, the parents/guardians will notify the business office at once.
- A report of the injury will be filed with the insurer by the business office within 30 days in order to be eligible for a claim.
- All Watervliet students who have passed the required sport physical, have properly reported an injury, and have received medical attention are covered by school insurance (which is secondary insurance).
- Students may resume an activity following an injury after compliance with State Law which reads, “If a student is absent from school five or more consecutive days or has received an injury, he/she must have an examination by the school physician before returning to competition.”
Hazing and bullying are forms of harassment whether physical or verbal and should not be condoned by a victim, a coach, staff, family, school administration, fellow students and especially team members. Any student found to have committed an act of harassment against any student in the district, including team members, will be faced with disciplinary action that may include suspension from co-curricular activity and suspension from school. Students are fully expected to notify a coach, moderator, or other school official if any such behavior is observed.
Any athlete who is seen by a doctor must be released (signed statement) by the doctor that treated your child in order to resume participation with his/her team. If you have to go to an emergency room for care, please obtain the release (written) before leaving the hospital because many times the attending physician may not be there the next time you visit. This release must be filed with our school nurse. It is the athlete’s responsibility to get the release to the school nurse; do not leave this responsibility to some other person (coach, teacher, friend, etc.)
Team members must be present and on time for all scheduled practice sessions and games. Any athlete who is present in school but absent or late to the athletic activity without prior permission from the coach will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. That action ranges from a warning to suspension to dismissal from the squad. Remember, once you have been placed on a team roster, you are making a commitment to that team for the full season.
Exceptions are limited to:
- Sickness
- Emergency appointments (doctor, dentist, court appearance, college visitation)
- Funerals
- Religious obligations
- Special examinations, tests, or overlapping seasons
It is the responsibility of the athlete to inform the coach in advance (if possible) prior to missing a practice or game. During the winter season, practices are scheduled into various time slots. Students may not loiter in the school buildings waiting for a late practice to begin. It should be noted that the Athletic Department realizes that unusual situations arise when the athlete must miss practice.
Most uniforms and equipment for athletic teams are provided by the school. All such school property must be returned to the coach in acceptable condition at the end of the season. The student assumes full responsibility for all equipment and must keep it secure so it is not lost or stolen. Failure to return any equipment will result in the student athlete paying for replacements. Student athletes will be ineligible for participation until all unfulfilled responsibilities from the previous season are settled.
All athletes will ride school transportation to an event. A student who fails to do so will be disqualified from participating in that event. Athletes and their parents/guardians should also be aware of the following:
- Any student who leaves an activity early without a written excuse or causes undue tardiness will be disciplined.
- A student may not be dropped off at his/her house on the way back from a game.
- Due to school liability and insurance coverage, all students who traveled to an event in school-provided transportation must also return to the high school in school-provided transportation.
A student may participate in only one sport at a time. A direct conflict with sport participation and other activities will be handled by the individual coach’s policy (which will be explained to the team members before the season begins). Each coach has the right to maintain a policy in which participation in a sport and a conflicting activity will not be allowed. Arrangements will be made for any sports seasons that overlap.
If a student athlete finds a need to terminate participation on an athletic team after the roster is posted, a conference between the coach, the student, and the Athletic Director will be held. The Athletic Director will determine what is best for the student and/or the school. This could result in a continuation of participation, the dropping of the activity without loss of eligibility or ineligibility for up to one 12-month period.
A student participating in interscholastic athletics shall be required to conform to all rules and regulations established by the coaching staff for the sport in which he/she is participating. Penalties for infractions of any team rule shall be left to the discretion of the coach and may result in dismissal from the team for the remainder of the sport season. Any student athlete found to be involved in hazing, harassment or bullying of any other athlete, at any level, will be immediately suspended from the team. Additional penalties may be imposed depending on the severity and time frame of the infraction. Prior to dismissal from a team, the coach will inform the athletic director and principal.
If an athlete is dismissed from a team by his/her coach, a conference between the coach, athletic director and parent(s) will be scheduled. During the conference, a decision based on the student’s and the school’s best interests will be reached regarding continued eligibility for athletics.
Students may change from one sport to another sport provided that they have received permission from the coaches involved and the athletic director. If he/she has been cut from one team, it is legitimate to try out for another. The athlete must understand that practices are sport specific and cannot count from one sport to another.
There are different requirements for certain sports depending on their nature and rules. Some are outdoors, some indoors; some are team oriented, others individual and some are both. The number of participants range widely on the different teams. Specific requirements for a sport may also exist, such as weight classes or use of special equipment.
Therefore, coaches may have specific rules for a sport in addition to the general requirements of the NYSPHSAA, Section II, Colonial Athletic Conference, and school rules. For instance, these rules may deal with such things as practice sessions, actual contests, training, and transportation. These rules should be clear to all team members and their parents. In addition, any disciplinary actions for infractions should be known beforehand.
Any athlete or parent who has questions or difficulties with the sports-specific rules should communicate with the coach for that sport. It is hoped that in this manner, athletes, parents and coaches will cooperatively work toward the success of our individual teams and our entire athletic program.
Participants will be awarded a varsity letter under the following conditions:
- Grade 12 athletes must be in good standing.
- Grade 11 athletes must compete in 50% of the contests.
- Grade 10 athletes must compete in every contest.
- Grade 9 and 7th and 8th grade athletes must compete in every contest and demonstrate a high level of proficiency in the sport, e.g., one of the top two competitors, all-conference designation, state recognition.
- Athletes must also be present at all practices, unless excused, demonstrate a positive attitude and contribute to the overall team effort.
- The appropriate coach may award a letter to an athlete he/she feels is deserving, but has not met one of the above criteria or was unable to participate fully because of an injury suffered during the season. Note: A player who is suspended for violation of training rules and misses a contest will not be eligible to earn a letter in that sport in that season.
The first time a varsity letter is earned, the player will receive a certificate and six-inch block “W.”
Any varsity letters earned after that will be recognized by a certificate and a pin to be attached to the block “W.”
- A student in grades 9-12 who transfers, with a corresponding change in residence of his/her parents (or other person with whom the student has resided for at least six months) shall become eligible after starting regular attendance in the second school. A residence change must involve a move from one school district to another. Furthermore, when a student moves from one public school district to another public school district, for athletic eligibility, the student must enroll in the public school district or in a private school within that district’s boundaries of his/her parents’ residency. The superintendent, or designee, will determine if the student has met district residency requirements.
- A student who transfers without a corresponding change in residence of his/her parents (or other persons with whom the student has resided for at least six months) is ineligible to participate in any interscholastic athletic contest in a particular sport for a period of one (1) year if as a 9-12 student participated in that sport during the one (1) year period immediately preceding his/her transfer. Students who transfer from any school to the public school district of the residence of his/her parents (or other persons with whom the student has resided for at least six months) or a private school within that district’s boundaries shall be exempt from the Transfer Rule. That such a transfer without penalty will only be permitted once in a high school career. Note: A student in a foreign exchange program listed by CSIET has a one year waiver of the Transfer Rule. If such a student elects to stay a second year he/she becomes a foreign student at the start of the school year with item (b) in effect
Exemptions to (b): For athletic eligibility a student must enroll in the public school district or in a nonpublic school within that district’s boundaries of his/her parent’s residency.
- The student reaches the age of majority and establishes residency in a district and can substantiate that they are independent and self supporting.
- If a private or parochial school ceases to operate a student may transfer to another private or parochial school of his/her choice. Otherwise, a student must enroll in the public school district of his/her parents’ residency.
- A student who is a ward of the court or state and is placed in a district by court order. Guardianship does not fulfill this requirement.
- A student from divorced or separated parents who moves into a new school district with one of the aforementioned parents. Such a transfer is allowed once every six months.
- A student who is declared homeless by the superintendent pursuant to commissioner’s Regulation 100.2.
- A student of a military employee who is transferred to an active military base may enroll in the non-public school closest to their residence and maintain eligibility if the student enrolls in a non-public school immediately following the change in residence. Note: It is provided, however, that each school shall have the opportunity to petition t he section involved to approve transfer without penalty based on an undue hardship for the student.
- Transfer students trying out for sports before school opens in the fall shall register and be accepted by the principal of that school before the medical examination and the first practice. This shall constitute the start of the regular attendance for fall sports.
Note: After approval by the school medical officer, a student may practice immediately and must satisfy the specific Sports Standard according to the number of practice sessions required.
- Practices at the previous school may be counted toward the minimum number of practices required provided the principal or athletic director of the previous school submits, in writing, the number and dates of such practices to the principal or athletic director of the new school.
The NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse has been established for review of core courses and high school transcripts for all students who plan to play at an NCAA Division I or Division II school in the coming year.
The process begins with the student-athlete, who must obtain a brochure from the clearinghouse and complete a student release form and submit this form, along with a $50.00 payment to the clearinghouse. The fee can be waived if a high school counselor verifies that the student received waiver of the SAT or ACT fee. These materials will be available in the guidance department.
If you have questions about NCAA eligibility, please call the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse toll free at 877-262-1492 or you may call the NCAA office at 317-917-6222 or visit the clearinghouse website at
Before your son or daughter may participate in interscholastic athletics, a commitment page must be completed by all parties, signed, and returned to your son’s/daughter’s coach, indicating that athletic policies have been read and understood, along with an Emergency Transport & Treatment Card (“blue card”). This signature sheet will be kept on file in the Athletic Office.