We are ready and excited to welcome back students tomorrow – Wednesday, Sept. 9 – for the first day of the 2020-21 school year! As we begin a school year unlike any other, we anticipate there will be some bumps in the road. We ask for your patience during these first several days of school as we work through any issues together.

The safety of our students, teachers, staff and families remains our top priority. All students and employees MUST complete the COVID-19 screening/attestation every day to be admitted to our school buildings. Parents should complete a daily temperature check and the COVID-19 screening/attestation for each student attending in-person prior to scheduled transportation pick up or upon arrival at school, if self-transported. The COVID-19 Screening/Attestation can be saved to the home screen of your phone to make it an “app.” Access the COVID-19 Screening/Attestation
Consistent with state guidance, we are asking families to take their child’s temperature before they leave for school each day and check for other symptoms associated with COVID-19. Symptoms of COVID-19 may include: fever or chills; cough; shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; fatigue; muscle or body aches; headache; new loss of taste or smell; sore throat; congestion or runny nose; nausea or vomiting; or diarrhea.
Students or staff members who have a temperature of 100.0°F or greater, who displays COVID-19 symptoms or who answers “Yes” to a screening question cannot come to school. If your child has a temperature of 100.0°F or greater or any of the symptoms mentioned above, you should contact your healthcare provider.
Face coverings
Health officials agree that masks are essential to stopping the spread of the virus. Every student and staff member is required to wear a face covering in school and on buses. We understand that some students may struggle at times with wearing face coverings. Teachers will offer some limited mask breaks during the day, however, compliance is necessary to keep everyone safe. Inability to wear a face covering will require students to learn remotely.
Students and staff also must practice social distancing when in our buildings. That means staying a distance of at least 6 feet apart when in classrooms, in hallways, when entering and exiting the buildings and at bus stops. Hand sanitizer is available throughout both buildings and students will have opportunities to wash their hands throughout the day.
This pandemic has not changed our mission to educate, inspire and challenge every student, every day. Please reach out to your building principals, the assistant superintendent or superintendent if you have any questions. Welcome back!