Watervliet City School District – Board of Education Meeting – April 22, 2020
Transcription of Live Broadcast
Sheri Senecal, Board President: Good morning, everyone. Dr. Caplan, what would you do the roll call? We will call the meeting to order at 7:29 please.
Dr. Lori Caplan, Superintendent: Good Morning. Mrs. Senecal – Here, Mrs. Soroka – Here, Mrs. Whited – Here, Mrs. Cavanaugh – Here, Mr. Hoffman – Here. All present.
Mrs. Senecal: All right, thank you. So with that, I’ll ask for a consent agenda. For the BOCES Budget and the BOCES Board Election.
Mr. Hoffman: I’ll make a motion.
Mrs. Senecal: Okay, Steve.
Mrs. Whited: I’ll second
Mrs. Senecal: Okay, Mary Beth. Anything on the motion? All in favor?
Mrs. Senecal, Mrs. Soroka, Mrs. Whited, Mrs. Cavanaugh, Mr. Hoffman: Aye.
Mrs. Senecal: Okay, all opposed? Okay. Hearing none, the motion has passed. And if we have nothing else, then I guess we’ll close the meeting. I hope everybody has a great day.
Mrs. Whited: You too.
Mr. Hoffman: You too, everybody.
Dr. Caplan: Hold on. You have to make a motion to close the meeting.
Mrs. Whited: Oh yeah, I’ll make a motion.
Mr. Hoffman/Mrs. Soroka: I’ll second it.
Mrs. Senecal: Steve or Heather?
Bernadette Boardman, District Clerk: Who is seconding?
Mr. Hoffman: I’ll second it.
Mrs. Boardman: Steve, great.
Mrs. Senecal: Alright, Thanks everybody.
Meeting closed 7:31 a.m.