Watervliet City Schools’ continuum of services enables students with disabilities to be educated with non-disabled students to the maximum extent appropriate. This continuum is comprised of the provision of specially designed instruction and supplementary services in a variety of settings as determined appropriate by the Committee on Special Education. This range of programs and services include both in-district and out-of-district placements.
In-District Services
Home Tutoring
Special education services are provided on an individual basis for a student with a disability who is confined to the home, hospital or other institution because of a disability. Students with disabilities who are recommended for home and/or hospital instruction by the Committee on Special Education shall be provided instruction and appropriate related services as determined by the committee on special education in consideration of the student’s unique needs. Home and hospital instruction shall only be recommended if such placement is in the least restrictive environment.
Watervliet Elementary School
A continuum of services is provided for special education students at the elementary school.
Related Services
Students receive appropriate support services from speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists and student assistant counselors.
15:1:1 Self-Contained Special Classes: Grades K-6
These 15:1:1 self-contained special classes provide academic instruction to children in Grades K-6 who require a small, structured learning environment. The program is designed for students with low average to well below average cognitive abilities that require an intensive instructional approach with accommodations and modifications of the general curriculum. Students often have low working memory, limited language and cognitive processing skills, and require consistent redirecting and repeated practice throughout the day. Students lack organizational skills and the ability to complete most academic tasks independently. Students may demonstrate high anxiety or poor coping and self advocacy skills.
Integrated Co-Teach: Grades K-6
This integrated program is taught by both a regular education and a special education teacher working as a team for ELA and Math instruction. This program is designed for students who have low average to average cognitive abilities and are significantly below grade level in both reading and math (< SS 80 or 2 years below grade level). These students require significant differentiation of curriculum and instruction in all academic areas. They may have difficulties with language skills, motor skills, self-regulation, transitions, and may need a behavior plan. They may need redirection and support, presets and supports with classroom transitions, and re-teaching and repetition of instruction. The program is designed to prepare students to benefit from instruction and assist them in achieving the district’s grade level expectations in core academics and State learning standards. They demonstrate basic school readiness as a prerequisite to instruction. Students do not require intensive related services and can meet minimum grade level expectations.
Watervliet Junior/Senior High School
At Watervliet Junior/Senior High School we serve students with a variety of disabilities and therefore, offer a variety of programs to meet these needs along with the related services of speech and counseling.
15:1:1 Self-Contained Special Class: Grades 7-12
This 15:1:1 self-contained special class provides academic instruction to children in grades 7-12 who require a small, structured learning environment. The program is designed for students with low average to well below average cognitive abilities that require an intensive instructional approach with accommodations and modifications of the general curriculum. Students often have low working memory, limited language and cognitive processing skills, and require consistent redirecting and repeated practice throughout the day. Students lack organizational skills and the ability to complete most academic tasks independently. Students may demonstrate high anxiety or poor coping and self advocacy skills.
Integrated Co-Teach: ELA and Math Grades 7-12
These integrated programs are taught by both a regular education and a special education teacher working as a team for ELA and Math instruction. The program is designed for students who have low average to average cognitive abilities and are significantly below grade level in both reading and math (< SS 80 or 2 years below grade level). These students require significant differentiation of curriculum and instruction in all academic areas. They may have difficulties with language skills, motor skills, self-regulation, transitions and may need a behavior plan. They may need redirection and support, presets and supports with classroom transitions, and re-teaching and repetition of instruction. The program is designed to prepare students to benefit from instruction and assist them in achieving the district’s grade level expectations in core academics and State learning standards. Students do not require intensive related services and can meet minimum grade level expectations. These students may also be eligible for an additional tutorial period (12:1).
Resource Room: Grades 7-12
The Resource Room program provides direct supplementary academic instruction and support of the general curriculum to disabled students in grades 8-12. The purpose of the program is to re-teach/reinforce concepts that are taught initially in the regular education classrooms and provide necessary remediation of skill deficits. This program is designed for students who have low average to above average cognitive abilities with moderate deficits in reading, writing, math and/or organizational skills (SS 80-89). This program also teaches study skills and focuses on the goals and objectives identified in each student’s IEP. This program provides the opportunity for students to receive the majority of their instruction in the regular education classes with non-disabled peers and learn in the least restrictive environment.
Life & Career Exploration: Grades 10-12
This class is open to both regular education and special education students, and is designed to teach and assist students in all aspects of living as independently as possible. Pre-vocational skills and functional daily living skills as well as post secondary plans in a career field are taught. This class helps provide students with skills to earn a CDOS credential (career development and occupational studies commencement credential).
Out-of-District Services and BOCES
Private Schools (In-State or Out-of-State Private Schools)
A student with a disability may be placed in a private school program when recommended by the Committee on Special Education. Private school placement shall only be recommended if such placement is in the least restrictive environment.
Transitional Support Services
Students with disabilities at the high school level receive transitional support services to assist them through the transition from high school to post-secondary education or employment.
12-Month Special Services
Students shall be considered for 12-month special services and/or programs in accordance with their need to prevent substantial regression, if they are students whose management needs are determined to be highly intensive and require a high degree of individualized attention; students with severe multiple disabilities, whose programs consist primarily of habilitation and treatment; students who are recommended for home and hospital instruction whose special education needs are determined to be highly intensive and require a high degree of individualized attention and intervention or who have severe multiple disabilities and require primarily habilitation and treatment; students whose needs are so severe that they can be met only in a seven-day residential program; or students who are not in programs during the period from September through June and who, because of their disabilities, exhibit the need for a 12-month special service and/or program provided in a structured learning environment of up to 12 months duration in order to prevent substantial regression as determined by the committee on special education.
BOCES Services
Depending on the needs of the student as determined during the referral process, they may be referred to a program provided by Capital Region BOCES.