Section I: District Wide Technology Committee
- Kirsten DeMento, Director of Educational Programs and Accountability (Committee Chairperson)
- Dave Pearson, NERIC Technology Support Person
- Kelly Webster, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
- Molly McGrath, Director of Special Education and Student Support Services
- Ryan Groat, Elementary Principal
- Allison Novotarski, District Wide Librarian and Computer Coordinator
- Veronica Wilson, Junior/Senior High School Psychologist
- Sarah Hulslander, Elementary Teacher
- Samantha Walsh, Elementary Teacher
- Adrienne Todd, Elementary Teacher
- Courtney Ricci, Elementary Teacher
The Technology Committee meets the third Thursday of each month during the school year from 3:00-4:00 p.m. in the conference room or via zoom. Additional meetings are scheduled on an as-needed basis. Please contact the Accountability Office if you would like to become a member.
Section II: Mission Statement
Technology Mission:
It is the Mission of the Watervliet City School District to provide the technology and training that will enable our entire school community to successfully function in the technology based society of the 21st Century.
The Technology Committee has reviewed the pending New York State Learning Technology Plan and has decided to adopt the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) National Educational Technology Standards and Performance indicators for Students, Teachers and Administrators. (Please see the complete list with Profiles for Technology (ICT) Literate Students in Section VIII Appendix A.) These national technology standards set the stage for what skills are necessary to be successful in school, post secondary education, careers and life.
District Mission:
The mission of the Watervliet City School District is to inspire, educate and challenge every student, every day!
Section III: Goals
(See also appendix B – Technology Implementation Plan)
1. Technology Integration
- Empower students to be productive, self-directed, and creative problem-solvers through the effective use of technology. {i.e. increase students’ abilities to research; increase informational and technology fluency (ISTE Standards)}
2. School Community Connections
- Increase the effective use of digital environments to communicate and collaborate with the Watervliet school community. {This will be done through the use of technology and software such as Google Suite (GSuite)}
3. Professional Development
- Empower educators to effectively integrate technology to support curriculum and improve student achievement.
4. Technology Equipment and Infrastructure
- Continue to support, maintain and enhance a technology infrastructure and inventory that supports the Watervliet City School District’s learning and work environment.
5. Technology Services
- Balance safety and security with optimizing opportunities for learning, access to information and management of technology resources.
6. Technology Responsibility
Ensure that technology is accessible and learning opportunities are available to all students including English as a new language and students with disabilities.
7. Technology Readiness
- Enhance and expand the use of technology to promote college and career readiness.
Section IV: Professional Development
The Watervliet City School District supports on going staff development in the area of technology in a variety of ways. Professional development through Model Schools is available to faculty, administration, and staff members throughout the year. The district assumes responsibility for the fees associated with any approved professional development and costs for substitute teachers. The district also contributes time in the form of professional development hours and/or conference days for training in the area of technology.
Additional staff development, in the area of technology, is available to the district by a number of providers. These providers include the Capital Region Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), Northeast Regional Information Center (NERIC), and through staff development experts from corporate vendors such as Dell and Smart, as well as turn key trainers from within our district.
The staff development portion of this plan includes the following goals:
- Provide staff development to assist all faculty, administration and staff in acquiring the skills necessary to use computers as a resource for full implementation of the New York State Learning Standards.
- Offering a variety of computer/technology training to all faculty, administration and staff at the novice, intermediate, and advanced levels as appropriate to enhance their district roles on a regular basis.
- Provide individualized instruction to staff from building level computer coordinators.
- Offer parent professional development on how to use portals and other web-based tools during informational events.
Section V: Inventory
Hardware inventory is maintained in a database in the district by the NERIC Technology Support Coordinators.
Section VI: Technology Budget
A technology budget is developed each year and submitted to the superintendent. The technology budget includes: NERIC services such as support, maintenance, web filters, internet and EES from Microsoft. Additional vendors such as Annese (VIOP Phone system) and Stanley Security (cameras/security) are also in the budget. Hardware and software is also included depending on district needs and the amount the district can afford. The annual budget includes items such as white boards, printers, tablets, computers, servers, copiers, projectors, 3-D printers, etc.
The district has applied for the Smart Bond money. In phase 1 (Spring 2018), the district upgraded the network infrastructure (cores/switches), added security cameras, added Meraki Controlled wireless access points (both buildings), replaced the Cisco phones system which included adding phones to all elementary classrooms and the Informacast software for emergency response. The district submitted phase 2 in June 2018 for classroom technology that would enhance the learning experiences of all students.
Phase 2 Smartbond Technology Purchases for the 2018-21 School Year (anticipated)
Technology |
Quantity |
Cost |
Infocus Interactive Boards | 99 | $299,970 |
Wall Mounts | 97 | $16,800 |
Computer carts/mgt | 30 | $35,370 |
HP Chromebooks/mgt | 900 | $351,000 |
Maker Bot Z 3-D printer | 3 | $30,000 |
Printers (HP) | 30 | $13,500 |
Dell Laptops | 60 | $39,000 |
Dell Desk tops | 122 | $79,300 |
Documents camera Ziggi | 40 | $3,960 |
HP Mobile Cameras | 20 | $1,000 |
Chrome Mgt Console Licenses | 900 | $22,500 |
Total Cost: | $894,995.00 |
Phase 1 Smart Bond Technology Purchases for 2016-2017 (purchased and installed fall 2017/spring 2018)
- Cameras and Security (WES/WHS) = approximately $98,000
- Architectural Fees: $17,000
- Voice Upgrades= $69,000
- Managed Wireless Systems (WES/WHS) = approximately $115,000
- Upgrade Network Core/Switches= $258,000
Section VII: Plan Evaluation
The Watervliet City School District supports on going evaluation of its technology plan.
The Watervliet City School Districtwide Technology Committee will bi-annually evaluate the plan to determine the extent to which the goals of this plan are achieved. Feedback from the faculty, administration, and staff in the form of surveys and discussions at faculty meetings / faculty forums will further inform the evaluation of this plan. In addition, the Building Level Action Teams will be instrumental in communicating building needs / concerns to the district committee. Parents and students will also be surveyed to gather feedback about technology use and/or other actionable items.
In 2015, the district surveyed 4-12 grade students. 91% of the students in the district indicated that have access to internet at home. 42% indicated they have a desktop computer at home. 50% indicated they had a tablet at home. 62% said they had a laptop at home. A parent survey about internet and device access at home will be completed in the fall.
In 2016, the district used BrightBytes to collect additional data from students (4-12th grade), faculty and parents. At that time were give an overall score of proficient. The score rages includes: beginning, emerging, proficient, advanced and exemplary. The goal is to get all areas above proficient.
Survey results included the following:
Classroom Success Indicators
1. Using technology to communicate, collaborate, and teach critical thinking and creativity in their classrooms.
a. Teachers were at a beginning level
b. Students were at a proficient level
2. Teacher use/frequency of assistive technology
a. Regular education teachers were at a beginning level
b. Special education teachers were proficient level
3. Access to Technology
a. Teacher access is proficient
b. Student access to devices is emerging
c. Students access to devices at home is advanced
4. Skills using technology
a. Teachers multimedia use was proficient
b. Students multimedia use was advanced
Section VIII: Technology Policies
All policies relating to technology including: internet usage, social media, acceptable use, cyber-bullying, content filtering, etc. are located in the district’s policy manual.
Section IX:
Appendix A
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)) Standards for Students, Teachers and Administrators
The ISTE Standards are a framework for students, educators, administrators, coaches and computer science educators to rethink education and create innovative learning environments. Visit the ISTE Standards website
The standards are helping educators and education leaders worldwide re-engineer schools and classrooms for digital age learning, no matter where they are on the journey to effective edtech integration. Visit the ISTE Standards FAQs to learn more.
View ISTE Standards for Students
View the ISTE Standards for Educators
View the ISTE Standards for Educational Leaders
Appendix B
Goal #1: Update District Technology to Support Classroom Curriculum and Activities (Original goal met 2009, new goal met in 2018)
Objective #1: To Continuously Update and replace computer equipment, software, wiring, security and peripherals as needed
Strategy: Purchase/leasing other equipment as needed
- 95% of all classrooms will have a new interactive board by 2021
- 100% of all classrooms will have access to a chrome book cart. (1:1 in class)
Activity: Bring computers and software up to date
- Install new computers and equipment to accommodate district daily needs and upcoming online state testing
- Purchase assistive technology for students with disabilities and ENL students
- Technology Coordinator
- School Librarian
- Tech Committee
Time Frame:
- On-going but by the end of the 2021 school year
Performance Measure
- Review of inventory to count all equipment to ensure 95% of classrooms have interactive boards and 100% have access to chrome book carts.
- District Technology Funds
- Grants
- Smart Schools Bond
Goal #2: Thorough Integration of Technology into the K-12 Curricular Areas including Assistive Technology for Special Populations (Special Education and English as Another Language)
Objective #1: Increase students’ abilities to research; increase informational and technology fluency.
Strategy: Technology rich lesson plans aligned to curriculum and standards
Activity: Teachers will develop lessons/units.
- District and Building administrators oversee
- District-wide Faculty, Staff and Students
- School Librarians
- Computer Coordinators
Time Frame:
- 2018-2021
Performance Measure
- Technology-Based Lessons and Units will be collected by principals. Goal is for all teachers to hand in at least one technology rich lesson/unit per quarter.
- Student Developed Multi-media Projects.
- District Technology Funds
- Professional Development Funds
- Grants
Goal #3: Targeted Staff Development to Improve District-wide Technology Integration
Objective #1: The district will provide staff development to assist all faculty, staff and administration in acquiring the skills necessary to use computers and other technologies as a resource in their classrooms to decrease instructional gaps in student learning.
- Embedded Staff Development
- Turn-key Training
- Model Schools Training
- Standardization of District-wide Software
- Professional Development and Training from NERIC and turnkey trainers on District conference days, after-school and summer, or integrated into classrooms.
- Director of Curriculum
- Director of Educational Programs and Accountability
- District-wide Faculty and Staff
- Technology Support Staff
- School Librarians
- Computer Coordinators
Time Frame:
- 2018-2021
Performance Measure
- Demonstrations at Faculty Meetings or Department Meetings
- Administrative walk throughs with check sheets to determine outcomes.
- District Technology Funds
- Professional Development Funds
- Grants
Goal #4: Utilize National Education Technology Standards (ISTE) with all Students
Objective #1: Teachers will introduce and integrate the ISTE Technology Standards/ Skills by Grade Level (K-12) through classroom curriculum and assessment.
- Classroom instruction
- Infuse technology into lessons
- Use of Video Streaming
- GSuite
- Workshops on Upcoming Technology Curriculum
- Curriculum Review and Development Sessions
- Principals oversee
- Classroom Teachers
- Special Education Teachers/ENL Teachers
- School Librarians
- Computer Coordinators
Time Frame:
- 2018-2021
Performance Measure
- District-wide Technology Skills Document in Curriculum Pacing Charts/ Maps.
- Principals will request and collect lesson plans a least 1 x per qtr from each teacher which will documents the explicit use of the ISTE student/teacher standards
- District Technology Funds
- Professional Development Funds
- Grants
Appendix C
Watervliet City School District Computer Systems Disaster Recovery Plan
The initial goal is to create a comprehensive disaster recovery plan to ensure that the district’s administrative and instructional computer systems are backed up.
The creation of this plan was recommended by the Watervliet City School District Technology Committee.
This plan takes into account many other areas that will need to be addressed in case of a disaster.
1. General
a. Definition – The purpose of this disaster recovery plan is to provide the necessary policies and procedures that would be followed in the event of a disaster which would provide a path to recovery to resume normal business operations in 48 hours.
b. Advance Preparation and Emergency Response Planning Phase
i. Leadership – define a Disaster Recovery (DR) Team
(1) Membership
(a) Superintendent of Schools
(b) Business Administrator
(c) Director of Educational Program & Accountability/CIO
(d) Director of Pupil Personnel
(e) Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds
(f) Network Administrator (BOCES)
(g) Building Principals
(h) District Computer Coordinator
(i) Administrative Assistant (Assistant to the Chief Information Officer)
(j) Communications Specialist
(2) Duties
o Superintendent of Schools directs the team, serves as Recovery Director, receiving all information, making major operational decisions, consulting with all team members as needed; assigning additional personnel to the DR Team as may be needed. Delegating tasks as appropriate.
o Business Administrator serves as liaison with Superintendent of Schools. Performs Superintendent’s duties in Superintendent’s absence, and/or delegates duties to DR Team. Maintains a current list of employees and ensures they receive appropriate information and duties. Serves as liaison with insurers and performs other duties as assigned by the Superintendent.
o Director of Educational Programs & Accountability serves as liaison with Superintendent of Schools. Performs Superintendent’s duties in Superintendent’s absence, and/or delegates duties to DR Team. Work with data recovery specialists to ensure the safety of student data. Serves as liaison and performs other duties as assigned by the Superintendent.
o Communications Specialist: Fields all inquiries from media, members and the public; prepares official statements, talking points, and communication strategies and advises the DR Team on implementation. Disseminates information to the media and the membership. Performs interviews and releases information as the designated official spokesperson.
o Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds – Performs duties as delegated/requested by Superintendent and the business manager and Director of Educational Programs & Accountability; Confers with emergency services personnel, utility companies, etc., as appropriate to gather information. In charge of recovery of buildings, grounds, equipment, furniture and fixtures. Communicates with staff.
o Network Manager (BOCES) insures that all network infrastructure and telecommunications are operational and ensures that all data is restored. Provides information to the Communications Specialist for the media website. Ensures that all necessary servers are operational and verifies what data needs to be restored if any
o Business Manager/School District Treasurer ensures the
security of fiscal assets
availability of cash for emergency purposes
continuity of payroll and vendor payments
o Building Principals – responsible for assessing situations at their respective buildings and reporting this information to designated members and assisting the Supervisor of Buildings and grounds in recovery of buildings, grounds, equipment, furniture and fixtures.
o Administrative Assistant (Assistant to the Chief Information Officer) Works with Director Educational Programs and Accountability and data recovery specialists to ensure the safety of student data.
o District Computer Coordinator – performs recovery services as directed
1. Emergency equipment – See Emergency Management Plan for inventory of available equipment.
2. Technical Services Command Center locations
a. Superintendent’s Office (1st floor WHS), if not available;
b. Watervliet Elementary School Attendance Office, if not available;
c. Other locations TBD
3. Communications: inbound and outbound
a. Initial (inbound) alert: Superintendent will identify a person, with a phone/e-mail/desk location where news of a crisis and subsequent developments should be reported.
b. Outbound: Superintendent will identify the person responsible for calling fire, police, rescue, and related services; list the numbers to call.
c. As deemed appropriate by the Superintendent, update advisories will be issued via web postings, email and/or broadcast media.
4. The communications notification chain is as follows:
a. Employees will be notified as indicated on the snow day phone call lists (attached).
b. The phone numbers and e-mail addresses of every employee, as well as an emergency contact person, with phone and e-mail, for each employee can be obtained from the Business Manager.
5. Board of Education
a. The School Board should be notified as promptly as possible, so that they are informed and ready to convene and authorize action should such be deemed necessary.
b. The following options are offered in accordance with the New York State Education Department’s escalation of alerts in the event of potential terrorist action:
i. Green (low risk): routine activities;
ii. Blue (guarded risk): routine activities;
iii. Yellow (elevated risk): review planned activities; ensure all data is current and emergency equipment is functional;
iv. Orange (high risk): review as above; also check staff schedules and availability of DR Team and backups;
v. Red (severe risk): Convene and brief DR Team
6. Rest and Recovery
a. The DR team must pay attention to the physical and emotional needs of those who are engaged in the emergency and recovery. People perform less efficiently after only a few hours without food and beverages, and after 8-10 hours of continuous stressful activity without a break and rest. Availability of refreshments, food, washrooms, and places to rest is very important and should be on the agenda at each meeting of the team during crisis recovery. A team member should be assigned to locate these kinds of facilities early in the recovery process.
b. The District’s Role in Community Recovery – The Superintendent may designate District employees to assist with the community’s recovery.
c. Business Recovery Phase – The DR team will work together to establish a plan for the return to “normal” school operations.
d. Computing facilities and data
i. Hardware: The Network Administrator (NA) will secure computer equipment for necessary operations and identify staff laptops and home computer equipment which can be brought on-line immediately, and secure staff consent to do so. In addition, if necessary, the NA will identify vendor(s) who are willing to provide temporary computers, servers, and networks.
ii. Software: extra copies will be stored offsite along with a list of all software licenses and vendor contacts.
iii. Data: Backup’s are done on a daily basis by the District Network Administrator (BOCES). Backups are kept for thirteen weeks before cycling of the tapes takes place. The Network Administrator is the primary contact for backup inquiries.
iv. Office space – A temporary headquarters will be designated by the Superintendent of Schools. Office equipment such as copiers, fax service, furniture, desk supplies should be acquired and placed as needed for the duration of the Disaster Recovery.
e. Telephone service – This is vital to communications; temporary lines may need to be established at the designated headquarters. These numbers should be publicized as needed. This responsibility lies with the Business Administrator.
f. Mail and Package Delivery – US Postal Service, FedEx, UPS, and other delivery services should be notified about how to make deliveries during the emergency and recovery.
g. Bank Authorizations – The Business Administrator, will facilitate the transfer and withdrawal of funds as may be needed to meet the needs of the disaster recovery process, periodic payrolls and accounts payable functions, while maintaining the integrity of public funds.
h. Payroll Service – Employees should be notified how they will receive payroll as soon as practicable to prevent panic.
i. Insurance Vendors – The Business Administrator will maintain a copy of up to date policy numbers and contacts for the District’s property and casualty, health, dental and vision, workers’ compensation, and other insurance policies.
7. Implementation
a. Pre-Disaster reviews and updates
i. Insure that
(1) Board of Education policies, and administrative regulations and procedures are current and appropriate;
(2) Emergency funding can be secured;
(3) Emergency equipment is in place and functional;
(4) Backups for equipment, software, data, and office facilities have been arranged. Keys and combinations are secure, but available off-site, and locations are known to key persons.
8. Plan Distribution – To the DR team
9. Briefing and Training – The Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee will ensure that every team member and staffer knows his/her part in the Plan.
10. Practice Drill/Walk-through – A practice drill should be carried out once a year to insure plan is complete and to make additions or modifications as needed.
11. Reviewing, Evaluating, and Updating – A meeting of the DR team should occur once a year to review, evaluate and update the plan.
12. Appendices
a. Disaster Recovery Team Roster
i. Superintendent of Schools – Dr. Lori Caplan
ii. Business Administrator/School District Treasurer – Keith Heid
iii. Director of Educational Programs & Accountability/CIO- Kirsten DeMento
iv. Supervisor Buildings and Grounds – John Szkopiec
v. Network Administrator – Michael Ferracane
vi. Building Principals –
(1) Ryan Groat, WHS;
(2) Loida Lewinter, WES;
1. Employee Roster – Provided and maintained by the School Business Manager
2. Board of Education roster
3. Telephone chain – See attached snow call chain. The district also uses One Call Now to notify all staff, parents and students about emergencies. This software calls, emails and texts recipients.
4. Suppliers for Building Maintenance and Repair – Vendor list maintained by the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds
5. Suppliers for all Office Furniture, Equipment, Computing Systems, Software, Accounting and Payroll Services, Office Supplies, etc. Vendor list is maintained by the School Business Manager.
View Technology Skills by Grade Level